与英语怎么说 与…相似英语怎么说

很多网友想了解与英语怎么说的相关知识 , 为了大家进一步的对与…相似英语怎么说所有了解 , 就跟小编一起来看看吧!
与英语怎么说:岂曰无衣?与子同袍 。王于兴师 , 修我戈矛 。与子同仇!与 , 这个词在英语交流中经常会说到 。那你知道与英语怎么说吗?下面惠州美联小编告诉你与英语怎么说 , 大家一起来看看吧!
and; together with

与英语怎么说 与…相似英语怎么说

他访问了泰国与新加坡 , 以期招揽投资 。
He visited Thailand and Singapore to tout for investment
此人易与 。
He is easy to get along with.; He is not difficult to approach.
历史上英国曾多次与美国结盟 。
Britain was allied with the United States many times in history.
他母亲不让他与一群坏孩子交往 。
His mother doesn't allow him to get in with the wrong crowd of boys.
他拿我的作业与她的相比较 。
He compared my paper with hers.
我们经常与他打交道 。
We often deal with him.
我喜欢男人与我在思想和身体上的相异性 。
I like the otherness of men's minds and bodies.
在这一问题上 , 他与你不谋而合 。
He happened to coincide with you on this point.
印度和尼泊尔已经解决了贸易与安全方面的争端 。
India and Nepal have sorted out their trade and security dispute
愿主的平和与你永在 。
The peace of the Lord be always with you
我不同意作者的生活和意图与他的文本没有联系的学说 。
I disagree with the doctrine that the writer's life and intention have no bearing on his texts.
我需要你对我、对此问题都有充分的情感认同与支持 。
I need your full, emotional identification with the problem and with me
我终于遇上了与我在力量与智力上不相上下的劲敌 。
I had finally met my match in power and intellect.
他与克格勃的关系受到了审查 。
His relationship with the KGB came under scrutiny.
我安排了与她见面 。
I fixed up an appointment to see her
I am together with you.
我同你在一起 。
I am sending you the book, together with all the available comments on it.
我把这本书连同所有的评论寄给你 。
Because she was lumped together with alcoholics and hard-drug users, Claire felt out of place.
因为被归到了酒鬼和吸毒者当中 , 克莱尔觉得很不自在 。
The fat and flour are rubbed together with the fingertips as for pastry.
像做油酥面团那样用指尖把脂油和面粉揉搓到一起 。
My husband is constantly thrown together with young people through his work.
我丈夫由于工作关系经常遇到年轻人 。
He then sticks it back together with flour paste
然后他用面糊把它重新粘了起来 。
He was holding up a pound note that had been torn in half and stuck together with gum.
他举着一张被撕成两半后又用胶粘在一起的一英镑的钞票 。
Every month we'll deliver the very best articles, together with the latest fashion and beauty news
每个月我们都登载比较好的文章 , 还有新的时尚美容资讯 。
Poverty and illiteracy go together with high birth rates.
贫困、文盲与高出生率密切相关 。
Sandwich the two halves of the sponge together with cream
在两半儿海绵蛋糕中间夹入奶油 。
Let's stick them together with glue.
咱们把它们胶在一起吧 。
A famine started which, together with the war, carried away millions of lives
