12的英语怎么说 12的英语怎么说读出来

很多网友想了解12的英语怎么说的相关知识 , 为了大家进一步的对12的英语怎么说读出来所有了解 , 就跟小编一起来看看吧!
12的 英语 怎么说:12 , 是介于11与13之间两位数自然数 , 是一个偶数 , 因数 2 ,  3 , 4 ,  6。日常算数单位中 , 12个也叫做一打 。那你知道12的英语怎么说吗?下面昆明美联小编告诉你12的英语怎么说 , 大家一起来看看吧!
twelve:英 [twelv] ;美 [twɛlv]

12的英语怎么说 12的英语怎么说读出来

We have been gradually bled for twelve years
我们被一点一滴地压榨了12年 。
We were set upon by about twelve youths and I was kicked unconscious.
我们遭到了大约12名青年的袭击 , 我被踢晕过去了 。
I shall stay here until twelve o'clock.
我将留在这里一直到十二点钟 。
I met some friends and stayed out until eleven or twelve.
我见了几个朋友 , 直到夜里十一二点才回家 。
He had a tea-break about twelve.
十二点左右 , 他放下工作休息了一下 。
The building will house twelve boys and eight girls
这座房子里会住12个男孩和8个女孩 。
Twelve Cubans left the embassy after sheltering there for several days.
12名古巴人在大使馆藏身了几天后离开了 。
The year is divided into twelve months.
一年分为12个月 。
We waited till twelve and we finally got on the plane
我们一直等到12点才终于上了飞机 。
The clock in the church struck twelve, and soon after people began to stream out.
教堂的钟敲响了十二点 , 不久人们便开始鱼贯而出 。
The sentence of the court was twelve years 'hard labour, to be served in a British prison.
法庭判其在一所英国监狱里服12年苦役 。
Disagreements among the twelve EC countries prevented them from taking any concerted action
欧共体12个成员国之间的意见不合导致他们无法采取统一的行动 。
Normally it has only had eleven or twelve members in all. Now it will have seventeen at the very least.
通常总共只有十一二个会员 。现在将至少有十七个 。
Twelve extremely good-looking, smooth young men have been picked as finalists
12名特别漂亮精明的青年男子被选为参加决赛的选手 。
He's twelve years old.
他12周岁 。
A police motorcycle chased his car twelve miles, and cornered him near Rome
一辆摩托警车跟在他的车后追了12英里 , 后在快到罗马时将他截住 。
A twelve hour night time curfew is in force.
正在执行12小时的宵禁 。
Twelve thousand workers will go onto a four-day week at their factory in Birmingham.
伯明翰工厂的12,000名工人将采取每周4天工作制 。
Some firms expect the guards to work twelve hours a day.
有些公司要求保安每天工作12小时 。
He was almost back to his belligerent mood of twelve months ago.
他故态复萌 , 几乎又像一年前那样咄咄逼人了 。
Babies of eight to twelve months are generally highly imitative.
8到12个月大的婴儿通常很爱模仿 。
She displayed her wound to the twelve gentlemen of the jury
她给陪审团的12位男士看了她的伤口 。
Her own twelve pictures sold fairly well, mostly to friends and family
她自己的12幅画卖得相当好 , 多半卖给了朋友和家人 。
He ordered twelve gross of the disks.
他订购了12罗磁盘 。
