社会的英语怎么说 社会的英语怎么说读音( 二 )

王老师批评社会的丑恶现象往往是一针见血 。
Teacher Wang criticized the ugly phenomenon of society.
社会上白璧微瑕的人占了大多数 。
The majority of the people in the society are blemish.
爷爷常常讲起他在旧社会的不幸遭遇 。
Grandpa often talks about his unfortunate experience in the old society.
树立新风,破除陋习,社会才能不断进步 。
Only by setting up new trends and breaking bad habits can society progress.
【社会的英语怎么说 社会的英语怎么说读音】只有社会秩序安定,人民才能安居乐业 。
Only when the social order is stable can the people live and work in peace and contentment.
