事业的英语怎么说 事业 英语怎么说

很多网友想了解事业的英语怎么说的相关知识,为了大家进一步的对事业 英语怎么说所有了解,就跟小编一起来看看吧!
事业的 英语 怎么说你可以回忆一下你学习任何一种技能的过程 。无论是游泳还是骑自行车,都是重复同一类动作的过程 。任何技能的获得,当然包括英语这项语言技能,均来自重复 。一种事情重复多了,便产生了感觉和深刻的把握 。以下是小编为您整理的事业的英语怎么说的相关内容 。
cause undertaking enterprise plant
人所从事的活动 undertaking
grand heroic cause
follow a career in science
follow a career in culture
非企业 institution
public institution
他对自己的事业感到泄气 。
He was disheartened by his career.
他可以继承老柏奇的事业 。
He can inherit old business.
我对事业的进展感到担心 。
I am worried about the progress of my career.
她热望在事业上出人头地 。
She is eager to get ahead in her career.

事业的英语怎么说 事业 英语怎么说

局外之人想控制这项事业 。
Outsiders want to control this business.
事业上没有高低贵贱之分 。
There is no distinction between high and low in career.
太过挑剔不会成就大事业 。
Too fastidious will not achieve great cause.
我愿把毕生献给教育事业 。
I would like to dedicate my whole life to the cause of education.
她正处于她事业的顶峰 。
She is at the pinnacle of her career.
他完全沉醉在表演事业当中 。
He was totally absorbed in performing business.
正义的事业,一定胜利 。
A just cause is sure to win.
他们在事业上受到许多挫折 。
They suffered many setbacks in their careers.
这不是一个赚钱的事业 。
This is not a profitable business.
我想这是您事业范围内的事 。
I think this is a matter of your career.
在他面前是一个辉煌的事业 。
In front of him is a brilliant career.
罗斯福坚定地献身进步事业 。
Roosevelt firmly committed himself to the cause of progress.
很多人经常为慈善事业捐款 。
Many people often donate money to charity.
他为自由的事业献出了生命 。
He laid down his life for the cause of freedom.
他是事业有成的钻石出口商 。
He is a successful exporter of diamonds.
把所有的钱遗赠给慈善事业 。
Bequeathed all the money to charity.
他以自己的名义支持该事业 。
He supported the cause in his own name.
这对慈善事业也是一个威胁 。
This is also a threat to philanthropy.
【事业的英语怎么说 事业 英语怎么说】他在内战中为共和事业而战 。
He fought for the republican cause in the civil war.
事业的英语怎么说 事业 英语怎么说

她决心在新事业上有所成就 。
She is determined to achieve something in her new career.
她一定会忠于这个事业 。
She will be loyal to this cause.
当选总统是他一生事业的顶峰 。
The presidency is the pinnacle of his career.
你们可以激发事业上的进取心 。
You can stimulate enterprising spirit in your career.
公用事业的费用有限 。
Utility costs are limited.
他已为共产主义事业献出生命 。
He has laid down his life for the cause of communism.
