力量的英语怎么说 力量的英语怎么说的英语怎么说( 二 )

植树的时候人人争先恐后,都想为绿化祖国多贡献一份力量 。
When trees are planted, everyone wants to rush ahead. They all want to contribute more to greening the motherland.
姐姐立志做一名教师,为教育事业贡献力量 。
My sister is determined to be a teacher and contribute to the cause of education.
这两支球队,力量对比,相差悬殊 。
The strength of the two teams is quite different.
各民族的亲密团结,是任何力量也无法动摇的 。
The cohesion and unity of all nationalities can not be shaken by any force.
