微笑的英语怎么说 保持微笑的英语怎么说

微笑的 英语 怎么说
微笑的英语是smile,其英式读音为[sma?l],美式读音为[sma?l] 。smile可作名词和动词两种词性,基本含义除了“微笑”之外,还有“微笑着说”、“笑容”、“微笑地表示”、“现出笑容”等意思 。

微笑的英语怎么说 保持微笑的英语怎么说

微笑的英语是smile,其英式读音为[sma?l],美式读音为[sma?l] 。
1、作为动词时,译为微笑;笑;微笑着说;微笑地表示;现出(笑容) 。
【微笑的英语怎么说 保持微笑的英语怎么说】例句:She smiled at him and he smiled back .
她冲他笑笑,他也冲她笑笑 。
He smiled with relief.
他宽慰地笑了 。
She smiled her thanks.
她笑了笑表示感谢 。
She smiled a smile of dry amusement.
她心里觉得有趣,但脸上只是不动声色地笑了笑 。
She gave a wry smile...
她苦笑了一下 。
When fortune smiled on him, he made the most of it...
当好运来临时,他充分把握住了 。
Mr. Baker was smiling and to the point
贝克先生微笑着,说得很中肯 。
2、作为名词时,译为微笑;笑容 。
例句:He had a big smile on his face.
他笑容满面 。
When he saw me, he smiled and waved...
他看见我的时候,微笑着朝我挥挥手 。
She said she was enjoying herself but her smile was forced.
她说自己很快活,但是她的笑容很勉强 。
He greeted all his guests with a fixed smile on his face.
他对所有的客人都以他的一贯笑容相迎 。
She was a severe woman who seldom smiled.
她是个严肃的女人,脸上很少出现笑容 。
1、哭的英语表示为:cry 。
2、cry的英式发音为 [kra?],美英式发音为[kra?],其他意思有:哭,喊,叫,哭着说,叫卖,大声报道 。
Eventually, you'll learn to cry that on the inside.
终有一天,你会学会让泪往心里流 。
Unhurt, but a bit shaken, she was trying not to cry.
虽安然无恙,但受了点惊吓,她强忍住不哭出来 。
Roland sometimes saw me as a shoulder to cry on.
罗兰有时把我看作是一个可以倾诉的对象 。
"Yaaaaaaa," Carla let rip with the cry of the Valkyries.
“呀——”卡拉放开喉咙,发出女武神瓦尔基里一般的嘶喊声 。
When she saw him, she let out a cry of horror.
她看见他时吓得大叫一声 。
Their lives are a far cry from his own poor childhood.
他们的生活与他那贫苦的童年生活相比大相径庭 。
I hung up the phone and started to cry.
我挂断电话,开始哭了起来 。
Adam jumped from his seat at the girl's cry.
女孩儿一哭,亚当立即从座位上跳了起来 。
生气的英文单词是angry,其读音为英 [???gri] 美 [???ɡri]。
adj.生气的;愤怒的,发怒的;(颜色等)刺目的;(伤口等)发炎的 。
He's angry that people have called him a racist.
人们称他为种族主义者,他很生气 。
Mum's really angry with you.
妈妈真的很生你的气 。
If you feel angry, punch a cushion for half an hour.
当你愤怒的时候,不妨猛打垫子半小时 。
Her voice was sharp and angry.
她的声音尖锐而气愤 。
She turned her angry face towards him.
她转过来看着他,满脸怒容 。
