h你所处的空间幸福吗?这13位设计者有话要说( 二 )

So what makes a healthcare space happy? We could say that a sense of comfort and reassurance is what happy means in healthcare. A sense that the place supports the work of the healthcare providers with their amazing training and skills – a sense that the latest technology is at their disposal. So, a space that is at once light, calming, reassuring and that somehow communicates a sense of optimism in the future, that everything will be ok – that's my happy healthcare space.

My happiest days are filled will sunshine, movement, and interacting with others, so a happy space, to me, embodies that energy. But I also find happiness in the solitude I find in my cozy, quiet apartment filled with natural light, plants, and a warm cup of tea. It is the balance between the movement and solitude that truly brings me joy in a space with an abundance of sunshine and plants on the side.




The Wing At Fulton Market, 芝加哥, 伊利诺伊州, 美国——一个以女性为中心的共享俱乐部和咖啡馆
The Wing At Fulton Market, Chicago, Illinois, USA - A Women-focused Co-Working Club and Cafe

A happy space is where one feels at ease and safe– a place where you can relax and enjoy. To me, a happy place is always filled with warmth, light and a touch of delight – something that makes you truly smile from the inside.

Fundamentally, happiness remains at the core of all societies to provide a sense of belonging, community and wellbeing. By focusing our attention on the challenges people face every day, coupled with the application of emerging urban technologies and life-centered design, we can deliver solutions that enhance happiness and wellbeing for all. Spaces can provide stress relief, methods of interaction, levels of comfort, natural light, air quality and other elements that influence people's emotions and create environments where individuals are more conducive to productivity.



Pinecrest, Orange Village, 克利夫兰,俄亥俄州,美国——Pinecrest 为来自俄亥俄州东北部附近城市的居民和游客提供具有城市品质、适合步行且拥有良好连接的便利设施
