
1,六年级英语课文 做事不要急【小学六年级英语试卷,六年级英语课文】


2,六年级英语期中考卷六年级英语期中试卷班级姓名一、Fill in the blanks.补全单词 。(10分)1 bathr m 2 cl n 3 w sh 4 t let 5 st ve6 k tchen 7 mbrella 8 w t 9 sh pe 10 triang二、Match.匹配 。(20分)1 What time is it? A Five2 Where is it? B Its rainy.3 What would you like for breakfast? C Its twenty degrees.4 What are you doing? D No,I usually go to school by bike.5 Do you usually go to school by bus? E Im from China.6 Where are you from? F Yes.7 Do you like Canada? G Im washing the dirty dishes.8 How is the weather today? H I dont know.9 Whats the temperature outside? I Its eight.10 How many pencils? J I would like cereal, please.三、Fill in the blanks.完成句子 。(20分)1 Its 7:00. Time for breakfast. My mum s breakfast.2 My hands are . I want to my hands.3 This is a towel. your hands. Now your hands are .4 Lets go to the kitchen.Mum is ing your eggs on the .5 The red toothbrush is .6 You can wash hands in the .Word list: A cook B bathroom C wash D dirty E cleanF make G stove H your I yours J dry四、Choose the best answers.选择最佳答案 。(10分)( )1 Is this his book? No,its A my B mine C your( )2 These are . A man B girl C women( )3 How many are there in your school?A classes B class C classing( )4 Steven wears dresses. A always B usually C never( )5 How many are there? A dress B dresses C dish五Look at picture and complere the dialogue.看图完成句子10分 A:Mum,what it?B: Its five thirty.A:Oh,its time for cartoon.Lets TV. Turn on The TV, Mum.B: Sorry,I cantt. Ask Dad!A: is he?.B: Maybe hes in the bedroom. Go and ask him,please.A: you ,Mum.六、Put the correct order.对话排序 。(10分)( )What are you doing?( )May I help you?( )Im washing the dirty dishes.( )You can dry the dishes.( 6 )Great!( )Here is a towel!七、Reading.阅读短文,完成下表 。(10分)Li Ming and Jenny always do their(他们的)homework at home.Li Ming always helps his mother dry the dishes. Jenny、Steven and Danny usually help their mother. Steven usually does (做)his homework at home. Steven sometimes walk to school. Danny sometimes does his homework at home. Danny always walks(走)to school, but Jenny never walks to school. Jenny sometimes wears dresses. Li Ming, Steven and Danny never wear dresses.name do your homework? help your mother? walk to school? wear dresses?Li MingJenny 1 5Steven 3Danny 2 4Always usually sometimes never八、Design and describe.用你学过的图形设计或组成一幅画,并用英文介绍给大家图画的名称,所用图形的多少和名称 。(5分,设计占2分,至少3句正确的句子,占3分 。)你的画 你对画的描述(用英文)提示:可用This is … There is/are…in…的句型 。书写习惯:(5分)同学们卷子答完了,你对自己的书写评价一下:满意(5分)较满意(3分)还要加把劲(1分)

3,小学六年级的英语试卷总分数是多少每个地方的英语试卷的分数是不一样的 。我们这边英语试卷只有30分 。但是邻县的英语分数就是100分 。

4,给我一些六年级的英语练习题外加答案放在最后你写噶野上来做咩死啊5,小学六年级英语试卷就找到一份:五年级英语期末试卷 2005.1 Score__________ 听力部分(30分) 一、听录音,选出句子中所出现的单词 。(8分) ( )1.A. behind B. building C. beside ( )2. A. past B. first C. face ( )3. A. listen B. lesson C. lessons ( )4. A. floor B.four C. from ( )5. A. live B. left C. let ( )6. A. red B. ride C. rice ( )7. A. aunt B. art C. car ( )8. A. sports B. skate C. sweep 二、听录音,选出正确的应答 。(8分) ( )1.A. All right . B. No, I dont. C.Yes, we do. ( )2. A. Yes , its old. B.Oh, how nice! C. Why do you say that? ( )3. A.Hes making a model car. B. No,he isnt. C.He can sing an English song. ( )4. A. Yes,very much. B.Forty yuan. C.They are lovely pandas. ( )5. A.Lets go and help her. B.Lets go and join them. C. Lets go and read books in the reading room. ( )6. A.I can see six . B. Its a diamond . C. Yes, I can. ( )7. A.They have a telescope . B. They are near a hill. C. They are having a camping trip. ( )8. A. Yes, I do. B. Yes,I am. C. Yes,I can. 三、听短文,填入所缺单词 。(14分) Hello, Im Mike. Let me show you a _____ of my _________.Look , we are ______ in my bedroom. Im __________ on the _______ and playing_________ ________.Yang Ling is playing with a ________. David is standing_________ me. Hes ________ a picture book. LiuTao and Gao Shan are _______ a ________ ______.We are ________very happy. 笔试部分(70分) 一、 选出划线部分读音与其余三个不同的单词 。(8分) ( )1.A.this B. thank C.that D.there ( )2. A.sports B.plates C.grapes D.thats ( )3. A.vase B.stand C.after D.father ( )4. A.puppet B.brush C.music D.puzzle ( )5. A.show B.flower C.brown D.down ( )6. A.red B.behind C. chess D. bed ( )7. A.ride B.ring C. with D.milk ( )8. A.home B.go C.oval D. song 二、根据句意,用所给词的适当形式填空 。(9分) 1. I ______ a new mask . My brother ________ a pumpking lantern.(have) 2.There are some ___________ on the table .(glass) 3. Do you have ___________ story book? (some) 4.Hes ______________ the windows and doors.(clean) 5.Nancy and I dont like _______________.(swim) 6.Look! Miss Gao has some tins of _____________.(fish) 7.The ___________ are near the tent.(child) 8.They are in the big tree . Lets go and help _________.(they) 三、翻译下列词组 。(10分) 1.喜欢看报____________________ 2.玩电脑游戏__________________ 3.做家务______________________ 4.上一节美术课________________ 5.画一个三角形________________ 6.弹钢琴______________________ 7.在书房里____________________ 8.互相帮助 __________________ 9.两罐鸡肉____________________ 10.长发_______________________ 四、选择填空 。(10分) ( )1.—You have a nice coat. --________. A.Yes, its nice. B.Thank you. C.OK. D.Youre right. ( )2. -- _______ he like PE? -- Yes,he _________. A.Do; do B.Does;do C. Does ;does D. Do;does ( )3.—How much are these things? -- _____________. A. Forty—five yuan B.Yes,they are. C.Here you are. D. No , they arent. ( )4.—Wheres Helen? --She __________ under the tree. A.standing B.is sitting C.sits D.has ( )5.Lets buy some cards ______ our friends. A.for B.to C.of D.at ( )6.-- _____ in your box? --Some fruits. A.Whos B.Wheres C.Whats D.Which is ( )7.I have some ______ in the bottle. A.pineapple B.oranges C.grapes D.pears ( )8.—Whats your mother ? --Shes __________. A.tall B.forty C.a driver D. fat ( )9.—What shape is the box? --Its ____________. A. a heart B.yours C.red D.nice ( )10._______ any newspapers in the reading room? A.Is there B.There is C.Are there D.There are 五、根据所给汉语用英语完成下列句子 。(13分) 1.本,你能做什么? 我会唱歌 。__________ _______you _________, Ben? I can ____________. 2.我父母星期天不上班 。My ________ _________ work ________ ________. 3.你家附近有什么? 有许多树和一所学校 。__________ _________ your ____________? __________ ________many ____________ and a school. 4.谁有面具? 我有一个 。Who _______ a __________? I _________ one. 5.体育活动房在一楼 。The ________ hall is on the __________ __________. 6.明天你有空吗? _______ you __________ ________? 7.你喜欢什么? 我喜欢熊 。__________ ________ you like? I like _______________. 六、完型填空 。(10分) On Sundays we often go to the ___1____ near our school. There are many____2_____ in it----tigers, elephants, pandas and monkeys. The ____3_____are very big. They all have ____4_____noses. Their noses can ___5_____ them eat and drink. Tigers are very____6_____. They often run about. They dont like to ____7_____in the zoo. Many people like ____8_____.They are animals of China. But I like monkeys most(最). We like __10_____ to the zoo . We can____8_____ more (更多) about animals there. ( )1.A.park B.school C.zoo D.the shop ( )2. A.people B.children C.animals D.things ( )3. A.elephants B.tigers C.pandas D.monkeys ( )4. A.long B.short C.free D.small ( )5. A.give B.help C.make D.get ( )6. A.strong B.hungry C.happy D.careful(小心) ( )7. A.eat B.play C.walk D.live ( )8. A.elephants B.pandas C.tigers D.monkeys ( )9. A.go B.going C.are going D.goes ( )10. A.see B.play C.get D.know 七、阅读理解 。(10分) Mr Brown lives in a nice house in a small town with his wife(妻子) , Mrs Brown. From Monday to Friday he works in an office near his house. He is free on Saturdays and Sundays. He has a nice garden beside his house. He likes growing flowers and he often works in the garden on Saturdays and Sundays. The flowers are very beautiful and Mrs Brown likes them very much. She often helps Mr Brown. ( )1. Mr Brown lives in _________with his wife. A. a city B. a small town C. a big town ( )2. He works_________ days a week in his office. A. four B. five C. six ( )3. He isnt _________on Saturdays and Sundays. A. free B. busy C. happy ( )4. He likes _________ on Saturdays and Sundays. A. working in his garden B. walking in his gardon C. looking at his garden ( )5. Mrs Brown _________ the flowers. A. like B. doesnt like C. often helps6,小学人教版六年级英语第六课课文翻译六年级上册b课文意思恩恩333333333333333 pencil7,2018年小学六年级下册怎么复习 全靠理解和背 。如果你脑子比较灵活比较聪明就理解着背,比较笨一点就用笨办法死记硬背,到了六年级这个时期,最主要的就是背诵,做卷,你需要把课本上的知识点完全吸收理解,再把四年级五年级以及六年级上册的书翻出来复习,至少做到心中有印象 。还需要大量的做题,见识更多的题型 。语文要注重基础和阅读理解,数学就是一些公式,意义,科学完全靠背,英语也是我也是和你一样的六年级,我的方法就是两点,一是背诵,二是做题,不知道对你有没有用??31.4×2=62.8﹙厘米﹚3.14×﹙62.8÷3.14÷2﹚2×10=3.14×100×10=3140﹙立方厘米﹚8,求一首小学六年级英语小诗The Clock Of LifeThe clock of life is wound but once,And no man has the powerTo tell just when the hands will stop,At late or early hour.Now is the only time your own;Love,work, and with a will;Place no faith in tomorrow,forThe clock may then be still.生命之钟生命之钟的弦的只上一次,谁也不知那钟的指针何时停止,是早还是迟你要把握号属于你的每分每时;去爱,去干,按你的意愿行事;不要把信念寄托在明日,因为那时生命之钟可能会停止 。9,人教版六年级语文下试卷 下册 评分标准及参考答案一、 看拼音写词语 。(每个词语一分,写错不得分 。)憧憬揣摩严峻雅致 账单炽热 安逸 沉浸二、 认真读下面的内容,根据提示,在横线上写出恰当的成语 。(每个空格0.5分,最后两个空格根据学生的回答批阅 。)废寝忘食一丝不苟自相矛盾滥竽充数同甘共苦 不屈不挠循循善诱三、 读下面这段话,然后用“清”组成恰当的词语填入括号里 。(每空格0.5分)清新清澈清爽(清甜)清脆四、 按要求写句子 。(每句一分,句子意思写对即可)1、 只要我们精心地保护地球的生态环境,地球就会更好地造福于我们的子孙后代 。2、 长城在世界历史上怎么不是一个伟大的奇迹呢?(没有问号扣0.5分)3、 除了课堂上朗朗的读书声,其他时候请做到轻声细语 。五、 综合修改(文中有6处错误,每处一分)1、 严—炎 ;2、“每天”和“常常”任意去掉一个;3、大人去掉;4、老年人后的“,”改为“ 。”;5、向—像;6、“非常”和“极了”任意去掉一个六、 按要求填空 。(第一两题,每横线0.5分;第三—五两题,每横线1分)一、 二题答案略 。3、 识庐山真面目,只缘身在此山中 。要获得真知,必须参与实践 。4、 谁言寸草心,报得三春晖 。5、费俊龙聂海胜七、 阅读短文,完成练习 。1、 欣喜若狂渴望hángjǐyǔ(每个一分) 2、 (4)(5)(2)(每个一分)3、 每个两分,意思写对即可 。钟爱有加:十分喜爱 。脱胎换骨:比喻完全改变了自己的形象 。初出茅庐:比喻刚进入社会或刚到工作岗位上来,缺乏经验 。4、 欣赏是一种善良或学会欣赏(意思写对即可,2分)5、:“、,,,。”(0.5分一个)6、 答案略(3分一个)7、 学会欣赏是一种做人的美德,它能使欣赏者产生善念,使被欣赏者产生奋发向上的动力 。8、文中写了列夫托尔斯泰欣赏屠格涅夫和林清玄欣赏一个小偷这两件事,告诉我们:欣赏是一种做人的美德,我们在生活中要学会欣赏别人 。(每个横线1分)八、 习作 。优秀( 35分—31.5分):内容具体,有条理,感情真实,语句流畅,基本五错别字 。良好(31分—26分):内容较具体,条理较清晰,能适时地写出自己的情感,语句较通顺,错别字不超过5个 。及格(25分—21分):内容简单,条理不清,没有的真情实感,语句混乱,意思表达不清,错别字较多 。不及格(21分以下):偏题、离题之作 。
