
1,impress是什么意思 be impressed 使印象深刻 impresssbwithsth某人对sth 感到印象深刻beimpress 是印象很深的意思impresssbwithsth是不正确的,一般是impresssbonsth印象impress vt.给…以深刻的印象,使铭记;印,压印n.印记,印象, 特征be impressed 被打动impress sb with sth 什么东西给某人留下印象


2,Impress用法 to impress: You need to do your best to impress the judges. 主动语态-不定式be impressed: I am impressed by his performance in the concert. 被动语态(更常见)impressive: His score was impressive.1 What Shanghai impresses me most is that there are highrises everywhere in this city.2 During our visit to the farm,we were deeply impressesd with the extent to which its farmers were working hard

3,impress by sth 和impress with sth 有什么区别 用法:impress sth on/upon sb 使…铭记…;使想象impress sth. on/in sth.在…上/压/盖印impress sb. (with sth.) 给予某人深刻印象be impressed by/with/at sth 对…印象深刻例句① i impressed on him the importance of his work. 我使他注意他的工作的重要性 。② the organizer impressed a beautiful design on the clothes.组织者把一个漂亮的图案印在衣服上 。③ the girl impressed her friends with liveliness and humor. 这个女孩给她的朋友留下了活泼和幽默的印象 。④ we were deeply impressed by his deeds. 我们对他的行为留下了深刻印象 。拓展: impression[c]释义:an effect, a feeling, or an image retained as a consequence of experience印象,感想:作为经历的结果留下来的效果、感觉或者形象例句① what were your first impressions of london? 你对伦敦的最初印象如何? ② her speech made an quite impression on the audience.她的演讲给听众留下相当好的印象 。词组: give/create/leave /make a/an… impression on sb.例句③ my general impression is that he seemed to be a pleasant man. 我的总的印象是他是一个很阳光的人 。【impress的用法,impress是什么意思】
