商家回复顾客评价语顾客能看到吗 商家回复顾客评价语

好评可以帮助商家带来源源不断的买家,但是如果遇见差评,就会给店铺带来一定的影响 。那么接下来我将分别对好评和差评做出对应的解答和示例 。
【1】感谢你对本店的大力支持,在你的鼓励下我们将会更加地做好商品,欢迎你的下次光临xx店铺 。
英文:Thank you for your strong support to our store. With your encouragement, we will make more products. Welcome to the xx store next time.
泰语:????????????????????????????????????????? Store. ?????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????? xx ????????????
印尼语:Terima kasih atas dukungan kuat Anda ke toko kami. Dengan dorongan Anda, kami akan membuat lebih banyak produk. Selamat datang di toko xx lain kali.
越南语:C?m ?n các b?n ?? ?ng h? c?a hàng c?a chúng t?i r?t nhi?u, v?i s? ??ng viên c?a các b?n, chúng t?i s? làm ra nhi?u s?n ph?m h?n n?a. Chào m?ng các b?n ??n v?i c?a hàng xx l?n sau.
【2】感谢你对本店铺的好评,期待我们下次的相遇,有任何意见或者其他问题可以直接和客服进行联系哦,请你记得收藏我们的店铺 。
英文:Thank you for your praise of our store and look forward to our next meeting. If you have any comments or other questions, you can contact the customer service directly. Please remember to collect our store.
泰语:????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????
印尼语:Terima kasih atas pujian Anda terhadap toko ini, dan nantikan pertemuan kami berikutnya. Jika Anda memiliki komentar atau pertanyaan lain, Anda dapat menghubungi layanan pelanggan secara langsung. Harap ingat untuk menandai toko kami.
越南语:C?m ?n b?n ?? khen ng?i c?a hàng này, và mong ??i cu?c g?p g? ti?p theo c?a chúng ta. N?u b?n có b?t k? nh?n xét ho?c cau h?i nào khác, b?n có th? liên h? tr?c ti?p v?i b? ph?n ch?m sóc khách hàng.
【3】感谢你对本店铺的点评,期待我们的再次合作,服务无极限,真诚对待每一天,xx店欢迎的你到来,欢迎你的下次到来,xx店在手,xx无忧 。
英文:Thank you for your comments on our store. We look forward to our cooperation again. The service is unlimited and treat every day sincerely. XX store welcomes you and your next arrival. XX store is in hand and XX is carefree.
泰语:???????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????? xx ????????????????????????????????????????? ???? xx ?????? ?????? xx ????????
印尼语:Terima kasih atas komentar Anda di toko ini, dan nantikan kerjasama kami lagi. Pelayanan tidak ada batasannya. Kami memperlakukan setiap hari dengan tulus. Selamat datang di toko xx, dan selamat datang kunjungan berikutnya. Toko xx ada di tangan, dan xx bebas khawatir.
越南语:C?m ?n b?n ?? nh?n xét v? c?a hàng này và r?t mong ???c h?p tác l?n n?a. Kh?ng gi?i h?n d?ch v?. Chúng t?i ??i x? chan thành hàng ngày. tay, và xx là kh?ng c?n lo l?ng.
【4】亲,每天最期待的时间无非是看到你为我们店铺给予的好评,在希望和光明的道路上陪伴着我们前行,谢谢亲的好评支持,未来将有更好的服务和质量和你一起同行 。
英文:Dear, the most expected time every day is to see the praise you give to our store and accompany us on the road of hope and light. Thank you for your praise and support. There will be better service and quality to walk with you in the future.
泰语:????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? ?????????????
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