英文签名带翻译小清新 一句英文签名唯美

waking up I see that everything is ok 睁开双眼 我发现 一切如期上演
Alone in a noisy walk street, my world still only have me.独自一人走在喧闹的街,我的世界仍然只有我 。
You break my heart in the blink of an eye. 为何伤透我的心,只在一瞬间
Not because of my persistence, but because you are worth it.不是因为我执着,而是因为你值得 。
I want someone whos afraid of losing me. 我希望找到一个担心失去我的人 。
Do not follow the crowd,let the crowd follow you.不要随波逐流,要引领潮流 。
It is the first step that costs.万事开头难
Girl wanna put you up in my room. 女孩,我想你 。
Time always save the best for last. 时间总是把最好的人留到最后 。
I am prepared for the worst, but I hope for the best. 做最坏的打算, 抱最好的希望 。
Try my best to forgive, do my best to forget. 尽最大努力去宽恕,尽最大的努力去遗忘 。
I love the people in the far future我爱的人他在多远的未来
More smaller than their glory years of the time with the silly. 再多各自牛逼的岁月也比不上一起傻逼的时光 。
I always say yes and mean no that you think that I was strong我总是口是心非以至于你认为我很坚强
She is good, let you so love. 她哪里好,让你这么爱 。
Across time can not touch. 穿越时间无法触及 。
You are my most dazzling lights! 你就是我最耀眼的发光体!
Destiny is sometimes cruel. 命运有时是残酷的.
Believe you can and you’re halfway there. 相信自己能做到,你就已经成功了一半 。
The first wealth is health. 健康是人生第一财富 。
No one shall take me from you.谁也别想让我离开你 。
There is grave There is grave 心里有座坟 葬着未亡人
It is okay to have flaws, which make you real.有点缺点没关系,这样才真实 。
Cry, can not solve any problems, but will make the dry cheeks hurt. 哭,解决不了任何问题,反而会使风干的脸颊很疼 。
I will cherish every good to me, 我会珍惜身边每一个对我好的人
Being on sea, sail; being on land, settle.随遇而安 。
I am a big winner,always winner.我是大赢家,永远的大赢家 。
The lining of your heart(衬你绝心)
worth it to be with someone who knows your worth.和一个懂你的人在一起,什么都是值得的!
I love you, more than loving myself. 我爱你,胜过爱自己 。
Thank you for friendship. 谢谢你的友谊 。
What can I say to make you understand? 愿你懂我
The darkness is no darkness with thee.有了你,黑暗不再是黑暗 。
I am the proud queen 我是高傲的女王
If you let me stay. 如果你让我停留 。
我的爱,与你同在 。My love, will always be with you.
Memory will fade, but my heart will go on. 记忆总会褪色,而我心依旧 。
1 need you我无法确定你们还要在我的心里寄居多久
Now, love you just the person. 现在,爱的只是你这个人 。
To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.爱自己,便是一部终身罗曼史的开始 。
Commitment in many, can do. It is just a lie. 承诺再多,都做不到 。那也只不过还是谎言 。
Someday you will look back and know exactly why it had to happen. 某些天你会回过头来看,并且明白为什么有些事情要发生 。
Please bring your confidence and smile. 请保持你的自信和微笑 。
Zeal for you.对你狂热
When you insist on your leaving, sorry just means nothing to me. 当你坚持要离去,说对不起又有什么意义 。
Life may always have regret, but the future is still good. 生活或许总有遗憾,但未来依旧美好 。
Love is about timing. 爱,始于相遇,止于被动 。
I can’t live without you 我不想一个人
