

如果放弃太早,你永远都不知道自己会错过什么 。
If you give up too early, you never know what you will miss.
当你为自己想要的东西而忙碌的时候,就没有时间为不想要的东西而担忧了 。
When you are busy with what you want, there is no time to worry about what you dont want.
感谢我的不完美,让我看清了真正对我好的人是谁 。
Thank you for my imperfection, let me see who is really good to me.
女人打扮的漂亮不如活的漂亮,靠天靠地不如靠自己,自己优秀了,别人都得仰望你 。
A womans beauty is not as good as her lifes. She depends on heaven and earth as on herself. If she is excellent, others will look up to you.
谁终将声震人间必长久深自缄默,谁终将点燃闪电必长久如云漂泊 。
Whoever will shake the world will be silent for a long time, and who will light the lightning will be drifting like clouds for a long time.
斗争是掌握本领的学校,挫折是通向真理的桥梁 。
Struggle is the school of mastery, and frustration is the bridge to truth.
做自己生命的主角,而不是别人生命中的看客 。
Be the protagonist of your own life, not the spectator of otherslife.
人如果靠吃饭活着,那饭不叫饭,叫饲料 。
If a man lives by eating, that meal is not called food, it is called feed.
你的伟大不是你的本身,而是你的梦想 。
Your greatness is not your own, but your dream.
【2022最励志的英语句子有哪些】There is no regret, only now there is no effort!
