
1、复数 violins 例句1Lizzie used to play the violin莉齐曾经拉过小提琴2He played the violin,and he stood out from all the other musicians 他演奏了小提琴,把其他所有乐师都比了下去3A performer;1小提琴英语读作violin,用作名词指小提琴,例如He plays the violin for the fun of it他拉小提琴只是为了好玩2The audience lapped up the violin solo观众对小提琴独奏反应热烈 3The violin is not quiet in;play演奏,violin小提琴我不说这些了,你最好在这两个词之间加个定冠词the;小提琴广泛流传于世界各国,是现代管弦乐队弦乐组中最主要的乐器它在器乐中占非常重要的地位,是现代交响乐队的支柱,也是具有高难度演奏技巧的独奏乐器,与钢琴古典吉他并称为世界三大乐器那么你知道小提琴用英语怎么说吗;小提琴 fiddle violin fiddle n小提琴,无意识而不停地拨弄 vt虚度时光,拉小提琴 vi拉小提琴,瞎搞 violin n小提琴,小提琴手 。
【拉小提琴用英语怎么说】2、答案是she likes playing the violin,too #9758#9831手工翻译#9728尊重劳动#9728欢迎提问#9728感谢采纳#9831#9756;playing the violin只说拉小提琴直接用play the violin,不用加ing,除非是在动词后面,或者现在进行时才加 顺便提醒一下,球类名词前面不加定冠词the,只有琴类名词前面才加定冠词the 例如play tennis打网球play 。


3、playing the violin 只说拉小提琴直接用play the violin,不用加ing,除非是在动词后面,或者现在进行时才加 顺便提醒一下,球类名词前面不加定冠词the,只有琴类名词前面才加定冠词the 例如play tennis打网球play th;只说拉小提琴直接用play the violin,不用加ing,除非是在动词后面,或者现在进行时才加 顺便提醒一下,球类名词前面不加定冠词the,只有琴类名词前面才加定冠词the 例如play tennis打网球play the guitar弹吉他;I do my homework in the morning,Playing the violin in the afternoon 我上午做作业,下午拉小提琴 。
4、你好,翻译是I play the violin for one hour every day I spend one hour in playing the violin every day It takes me one hour to play the violin every day 注意表示弹乐器且用动词play时,乐器前面 。
5、你好,很高兴为你解答Play the violin 详细释义 名fiddlev尤指厌烦或紧张地不断摸弄,不停摆弄篡改伪造对做手脚拉小提琴 play the violin accordionplaying the violin play violin 。
