
爱语导读:不用一个工作人员,就能自动售卖报纸、杂志、饮料、零食;Wi-Fi热点、手机充电站、火车票自动售货机和公共汽车查询区域等服务将陆续开放 。


As e-payments and intelligent technology have continued to facilitate economic development, the first automatic newsstand has been put into use in Hangzhou, capital city of eastern Zhejiang province.
随着电子支付和智能技术不断促进经济发展,第一台自动报刊亭已在浙江省省会杭州市投入使用 。
The newsstand is equipped with 16 boxes covered in glass, and each box has 100 sub-boxes containing newspapers and magazines. Customers can use a touch screen to select their preferred newspaper and payment method, and then collect their purchases from the automatically opening sub-boxes.
报刊亭配有16个用玻璃覆盖的箱子,每个箱子有100个包含报纸和杂志的子箱 。顾客可以使用触摸屏选择他们喜欢的报纸和付款方式,然后从自动打开的子箱中获取他们购买的物品 。
In addition to self-service purchasing of newspapers and periodicals, the newsstand also offers cold and hot beverages, packaged foods, informational brochures and other commodities.
除了报纸和期刊的自助采购,报刊亭还提供冷热饮料、包装食品、信息手册和其他商品 。
Services including a Wi-Fi hotspot, a mobile phone charging station, train ticket vending and a bus query area will be added in the future.
未来会增加包括Wi-Fi热点、手机充电站、火车票自动售货机和公共汽车查询区域在内的服务 。

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