Button 4 (Mail) with the wdzkfnma.kez password gets you to some kind of GSM Network Test, accessible IMHO by a remote wired connection in laboratory conditions.
按键4(录音)组合wdzkfnma.kez 密码文件,会进入某种GSM网络测试模式,在实验室的数据线连接环境中,可以连接IMHO 。
Action button (the Navigation pad’s center key) with the wdzkfnma.kez password starts a very complex Eboot Menu, accessible only by a remote wired connection (details wanted). Nothing will appear on the screen.
确定键(就是导航键盘中间的那个键)组合wdzkfnma.kez 密码文件,可以启动一个非常复杂的Eboot菜单 。只能通过数据线连接 。屏幕上不会出现任何东西 。
There are no other combinations to be used with the wdzkfnma.kez and 1xdtgklo.kez passwords.
除了以上,就再没有其他的和wdzkfnma.kez以及1xdtgklo.kez 密码文件组合的用法了 。
After use, never leave the wdzkfnma.kez password file in the root directory of your MicroSD card. It is dangerous !!!
使用完以后,千万不要把wdzkfnma.kez密码文件放置在你的MicroSD卡的根目录下,这是非常危险的 。
I hope to have satisfied a bit your curiosity :-)
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