O2 Flame的wdzkfnma.kez文件的用途
【O2 Flame的wdzkfnma.kez文件的用途】1 Because the knowledge can be helpful to escape dangers, here I explain some other button / password combinations
Call and End Call buttons combination is relatively safe. It is used with the wdzkfnma.kez password file (again, the content of this file is not important, only it’s name matters) to flash the diskimage.nb0 file from the MicroSD card to the ROM.
电话和挂机键组合,相对安全 。用于和wdzkfnma.kez(再次重申,这个加密文件的内容并不重要,重要的是文件的名称)密码文件一起将MicroSD卡上的diskimage.nb0 文件刷到ROM里 。
You have to be aware that other button combinations used together with the wdzkfnma.kez file may have unpredictable effects and some of them are really able to destroy your device. I deny any responsibility speaking here about the wdzkfnma.kez password. The "fault" is of the vendor, who left these passwords publicly available in the plain text form inside the EBOOT. NB0 fileO2
大家恐怕也已经知道其他的一些按键组合,与这个密码文件一起用,会造成一些不可预知的影响 。这些影响中有的是足以毁坏整个设备的 。我不对在这里发表的任何关于密码文件的言论负责 。责任可以归咎于那个把这些密码从EBOOT. NB0文件中公布出来的人 。
Among other uses of the wdzkfnma.kez password file there are:
Button 4 (Mail) with the wdzkfnma.kez password gets you to the so called Main Menu. This you can visit without any fear. You have some settings there which are of no use for an ordinary mortal. I do not recommend to play around with them.
按键4(邮件)和wdzkfnma.kez 密码文件组合使用,可以进入到一个叫做“主菜单”(注:工程模式?)的模式里,不用担心进入这个模式,这里的一些设置,一般的用户是用不到的 。我不建议你们折腾这个 。
Left Soft Key and Right Soft Key with the wdzkfnma.kez password are used to load the ramboot.nb0 bootable image file (if you have some, because I have never seen one) from the MicroSD card directly to the RAM and then to run it. With the 1xdtgklo.kez password these two buttons are used to flash an OS image to ROM, as described in my tutorial.
左右软键组合wdzkfnma.kez 密码文件,可以直接从MicroSD卡上读取ramboot.nb0 可启动镜像文件到Ram里,并运行它们 。(可能你们有,但是我没有这种文件)如果和1xdtgklo.kez 密码文件一起,则是将操作系统镜像文件刷到Rom里面 。
Windows and Button 4 (Mail) with the wdzkfnma.kez password are used to flash the EBOOT. NB0 bootloader file from the MicroSD card to the ROM. Remember that a failure will brick (destroy) your device. As yet, all the EBOOT. NB0 files, which come with different XDA Flame releases, were the same. So if you do not wish to develop your own bootloader, keep your hands off.
Windows键和按键4(邮件)组合dzkfnma.kez 密码文件,则是将MicroSD卡上的bootloader文件EBOOT. NB0 刷到Rom里 。记住,如果这个刷新失败,将会损坏你的机器 。所有的来自不同FLame的EBOOT. NB0文件,都是一样的,如果你不想打造个性化的bootloader文件,最好不要动这个 。
Button 1 (Camera) with the wdzkfnma.kez password does something called Clean Registry. Button 1 (Camera) pressed together with some of the other buttons will do the same effect.
按键1(相机)组合wdzkfnma.kez 密码文件,会清除注册表 。按键1和其他一些按键一起使用,作用相同 。
Button 2 (Record) with the wdzkfnma.kez password gets you to some kind of 3G Network Test, accessible IMHO by a remote wired connection in laboratory conditions.
按键2(录音)组合wdzkfnma.kez 密码文件,会进入某种3G网络测试模式,在实验室的数据线连接环境中,可以连接IMHO(注:啥是IMHO啊?依我愚见?) 。
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