句型用英语怎么说 句型用英语如何说

句型用英语怎么说 句型用英语如何说

1、句型[jù xíng]:sentential form; sentence pattern.
句型练习的重要性是显而易见的 。
The importance of pattern drills is obvious.
参看第20页(动词句型13) 。
See page 20 ( verb pattern 13).
她在2001年获得学位 。
She obtained her degree in2001.
And a set of rules for the transformation from Chinese query sentence to corresponding SQL command are presented for semantic analysis.
【句型用英语怎么说 句型用英语如何说】dict.cnki.net
介绍和巩固wh?句型的常用语调 。
To introduce and consolidate common intonation pattern with wh? questions.
