使用终端安装 Solaris 9( 十 )

Reading Solaris 9 Software 2 of 2 (12/02 SPARC Platform Edition).... -

Launching installer for Solaris 9 Software 2 of 2 (12/02 SPARC Platform
Edition). Please Wait...

Installing Solaris 9 packages (part 2)
(等待安装Solaris 9 Software 2/2光盘)

Installation details:

Product Result More Info
1. Solaris 9 packages (part 2) Installed Available

2. Done

Enter the number corresponding to the desired selection for more
information, or enter 2 to continue [2]:

43、提示你Solaris 9 Software 2/2 CD光盘已经安装完毕 , 敲回车键出现提示:
Please specify the media from which you will install Solaris 9 Languages (12/02
SPARC Platform Edition).

Alternatively, choose the selection for "Skip" to skip this disc and go on to
the next one.


2. Network File System
3. Skip

Media [1]:

44、敲回车键 , 弹出光盘 , 出现如下提示:
Please insert the CD/DVD for Solaris 9 Languages (12/02 SPARC Platform Edition).

After you insert the disc, please press Enter.

Enter S to skip this disc and go on to the next one.
To select a different media, enter B to go Back.

提示你将Solaris Languages光盘放入CD-ROM中;

45、将Solaris Languages光盘放入后等待15秒左右 , 然后敲回车键 ,

Reading Solaris 9 Languages (12/02 SPARC Platform Edition).... -

Launching installer for Solaris 9 Languages (12/02 SPARC Platform Edition).
Please Wait...

The following items will be installed:

Product: Solaris 9 Simplified Chinese Localization
Location: /usr
Size: 131.0 MB
Solaris 9 Simplified Chinese EUC Localization 3.2 MB
Solaris 9 Simplified Chinese Common Localization 125.1 MB
SunOS 4.x Asian Compatibility Localization 4 KB
Asian User Defined Character Tool for CDE 2.7 MB

Product: Solaris 9 Traditional Chinese Localization
Location: /usr
Size: 101.5 MB
Solaris 9 Traditional Chinese Common Localization 71.9 MB
Solaris 9 Traditional Chinese Localization 29.6 MB
SunOS 4.x Asian Compatibility Localization 4 KB
Asian User Defined Character Tool for CDE 2.7 MB

Product: Solaris 9 Hong Kong Traditional Chinese Localization
Location: /usr
Size: 10.6 MB
Solaris 9 Traditional Chinese Common Localization 71.9 MB
SunOS 4.x Asian Compatibility Localization 4 KB
Solaris 9 Traditional Chinese HK Localization 10.6 MB
Asian User Defined Character Tool for CDE 2.7 MB

Ready to Install

1. Install Now
2. Start Over
3. Exit Installation

What would you like to do [1]?

敲回车键后开始安装Solaris Languages光盘;

Installing Solaris 9 Simplified Chinese Localization

Installing Solaris 9 Traditional Chinese Localization

Installing Solaris 9 Hong Kong Traditional Chinese Localization

Installation details:

Product Result More Info
1. Solaris 9 Simplified Chinese Localization Installed Available
2. Solaris 9 Traditional Chinese Localization Installed Available
3. Solaris 9 Hong Kong Traditional Chinese Localization Installed Available

4. Done

Enter the number corresponding to the desired selection for more
information, or enter 4 to continue [4]:

敲回车键 , 弹出光盘;

{"!" exits}
再敲回车键 , 重新启动系统 。
