使用终端安装 Solaris 9( 五 )

F2_Continue F6_Help

择国家或地区 , 使用上下箭头移动光标到China后 , 按空格键 , 选中该选项 , 按F2键继续安装;

q Confirm Information qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq
q Date and Time qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq

> Accept the default date and time or enter
new values.

Date and time: 2003-08-18 10:36

Year (4 digits) : 2003
Month (1-12) : 08
Day (1-31) : 18
Hour (0-23) : 10
Minute (0-59) : 36

F2_Continue F6_Help
设置时间 。本例中 , 我们不在此设置时间 , 安装结束后 , 使用data命令修改时间 。按F2键继续安装;

q Confirm Information qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq

> Confirm the following information. If it is correct, press F2;
to change any information, press F4.

Time zone: PRC
Date and time: 2003-08-18 10:36:00

F2_Continue F4_Change F6_Help

确认刚才输入的信息 , 如果刚才输入的信息有错 , 按F4键重新输入;如果正确 , 按F2键继续安装;

26、等待一会 , 出现提示:

q Solaris Interactive Installation qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq

You"ll be using the initial option for installing Solaris software on the
system. The initial option overwrites the system disks when the new Solaris
software is installed.

On the following screens, you can accept the defaults or you can customize
how Solaris software will be installed by:

- Selecting the type of Solaris software to install
- Selecting disks to hold software you"ve selected
- Specifying how file systems are laid out on the disks

After completing these tasks, a summary of your selections (called a
profile) will be displayed.

There are two ways to install your Solaris software:

- "Standard" installs your system from a standard Solaris Distribution.
- "Flash" installs your system from one or more Flash Archives.

F2_Standard F4_Flash F5_Exit F6_Help

选择Standard install:按F2键 , 继续安装;

27、等待一会 , 出现提示:

q Select Geographic Regions qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq

Select the geographic regions for which support should be installed.

> [ ] Australasia
> [ ] Central America
> [ ] South America
> [ ] Northern Africa
> [ ] Middle East
> [ ] Eastern Europe
> [ ] Northern Europe
> [ ] Western Europe
> [ ] Central Europe
> [ ] Southern Europe
> [ ] North America
> [ ] Asia

Move left, right, up, down using the arrow keys
F2_Continue F3_Go Back F5_Exit F6_Help

选择地理区域 , 本例中 , 选择Asia:使用上下箭头移动光标到Asia处 , 按回车键后 , 出现展
V [ ] Asia
[ ] Hindi UTF-8
[ ] Japanese EUC (ja)
[ ] Japanese PC Kanji (ja_JP.PCK)
[ ] Japanese UTF-8 (ja_JP.UTF-8)
[ ] Korean EUC
[ ] Korean UTF-8
[x] Simplified Chinese EUC
[x] Simplified Chinese GB18030
[x] Simplified Chinese GBK
[x] Simplified Chinese UTF-8
[ ] Thai TIS620
[ ] Thai UTF-8
[x] Traditional Chinese (Hong Kong) BIG5 HKSCS
[x] Traditional Chinese (Hong Kong) UTF-8
[x] Traditional Chinese BIG5
[x] Traditional Chinese EUC
[x] Traditional Chinese UTF-8
