两个小男孩,郝贵米易生情,萧郎觉得朋友总是在背后默默支持自己 。1.Likingeverysinglethingyoudoonsocialmedia.不管是朋友圈还是微博,喜欢你送的任
两个小男孩,郝贵米易生情,萧郎觉得朋友总是在背后默默支持自己 。
1. Liking every single thing you do on social media.

2. Telling your BFF that you hate them because they\'re so pretty.

3. And taking their phone away so that they never text their ex.
拿走他们的手机,他们不能和他们的前任联系 。

This is what friends are for.这是朋友应该做的 。
4. Telling them not to wear something because it looks bad.

Honesty = love.诚实是爱
5. And, of course, telling them that their shirt would look better on you.
告诉他,他那件Tt恤穿在你身上更好看 。

6. Uploading a selfie of you two that only one of you likes, so you don’t tag them in it.

7. Commenting on their new profile picture so that it shows up in more people’s feeds.
在他们的新自拍照下评论,让更多的朋友看到 。

8. Ordering more food than you can actually eat because you know your BFF will ask for a bite.
每次多点,因为你是同性恋(姬)朋友会要求咬一口 。
【基友是什么意思 QQ基友是什么意思】

And a bite always turns into half the plate.
而通常「吃一口」意思是「一半」 。
9. And refusing to talk about their ex even when someone else brings it up.
禁止讨论他们的前任,甚至当别人提到他的时候 。

10. Laughing at your BFF’s jokes even when you both know they aren’t that funny.
对同性恋朋友的笑话开怀大笑,即使你们都知道这不好笑 。

我不知道,看到这一切,想想你心中的那个,有哪些和闺蜜友好相处的瞬间让你记忆喷涌,让我们分享一下和好朋友们在一起的感人瞬间,萧郎将为分享中获得最多好评的朋友送上一份神秘礼物 。
你在学习英语中遇到什么问题、困惑,就问小浪哈(需要托福或四六级材料的同学,可以加萧郎个人微信:langlib234),对于大家的疑问,高达托福雅思,一直到英语4-6级,萧郎会回答,如果你想和我谈谈,我也不会拒绝,谁让萧郎从心底里是个善良的人呢 。
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