sarah怎么读人名的音标 sarah怎么读人名( 二 )

Sarah: OK. What if my nerves kick in? What should I do?
萨拉:好的 。要是我突然紧张了呢?我该怎么做呢?
Sarah was overcome with embarrassment. She faced away to hide her blushes.
萨拉羞愧万分,她转过头去不让人们看到她脸红 。
\’My cycle produced 24 eggs, so we know that I respond well to treatment, \’ Sarah says.
“我的周期生产24个卵子,所以我们知道,我的治反应良好 。” 萨拉说 。
参考资料:有道词典 双语例句
【读音】:英 [\’sε?r?] 美 [\’sε?r?]
1、Sarah tried several times to catch Philip\’s eye, but he just grinned at her.
萨拉几次想引起菲利普的注意,但是他只是冲她咧嘴笑了笑 。
2、Sarah tells me you\’re something of an art connoisseur.
萨拉告诉我你是一位艺术鉴赏家 。
3、Sarah was looking after the twins
萨拉当时正在照管那对双胞胎 。
4、Even Sarah treated him as if he were a waste of space
连萨拉对他都像是在对待一个废物 。
5、Madeleine is on good terms with Sarah .
马德琳和萨拉相处很好 。
