十二月用英语怎么读 1到12月用英语怎么说

1到12月用英语怎么说,十二月用英语怎么读 。小编来告诉你更多相关信息 。

十二月用英语怎么读 1到12月用英语怎么说

首先要搞清楚 , 12个月用英语怎么说这句话有两层意思:你是要考自己说12个月的“英文单词” , 还是要考查自己说12个月的“英文意思”?前者是考单词记忆能力 , 后者是训练说话表达能力 。
如果你曾经死记硬背过12个月的英语单词 , 可是过不了多久有忘记了或者就算写出来有傻傻分不清哪个对哪个 , 哪个是哪月 。那么 , 你如果是跟人做语言交流 , 你完全可以不必把这些单词逐个说出来 , 你可以换个说法“说英语的12个月”:
January说成:Well I mean it's the first month of a year.
【十二月用英语怎么读 1到12月用英语怎么说】你这样跟人交流 , 你觉得对方听不懂你在说January吗?
这就是我们最缺乏训练而获得的“说话能力” 。
同样 , 你说下面的英语 , 对方都能明白你在说12个月的哪个月份:
February说成:Well I mean it's the second month of a year.
March说成:Well IJanuary说成:Well I mean it's the third month of a year.
April说成:Well I mean it's the fourth month of a year.
May说成:Well I mean it's the fifth month of a year.
June说成:Well I mean it's the sixth month of a year.
July说成:Well I mean it's the seventh month of a year.
August说成:Well I mean it's the eighth month of a year.
September说成:Well I mean it's the ninth month of a year.
October说成:Well I mean it's the tenth month of a year.
November说成:Well I mean it's the eleventh,or the last but one(倒数第二个) month of a year.
December说成:Well I mean it's the twelfth,or the last month month of a year.
这就是你问的“12个月用英语怎么说?”给出的两种答案和表达方法 。
我们不仅要会说单词 , 我们更要通过训练 , 具备用英语说英语的语言能力 。
十二月用英语怎么读 1到12月用英语怎么说
