英语课堂丨Improve, Increase和Enhance三个词的区别

英语课堂丨Improve, Increase和Enhance三个词的区别

Improve, Increase和Enhance三个词的区别今天要给大家讲一组近义词之间的区别,以及各自的用法 。
These three verbs all have similar meanings, but there are some differences in their use.
这三个动词有相似的意思,但在用法上有一些差异 。
Let’s start with “enhance.”
从“enhance”这个词开始 。
Of the three words we are studying today, “enhance” is the least common. You can probably use “improve” instead of “enhance” in many sentences you want to say or write.
在我们今天学习的三个单词中,enhance(增强)是最不常见的,在很多你想说或写的句子中,你可能会用improve(改进)代替它 。
“Enhance” means to raise the quality of something, usually of something that is already good. Look at next sentences.
Enhance是指提高某物的质量,通常是指已经很好的东西 。来看下面的句子 。
Students use reading strategies to enhance understanding. (They already understand but now they will understand more.)
【英语课堂丨Improve, Increase和Enhance三个词的区别】学生使用阅读策略来增进理解 。(他们已经明白了,但现在他们会理解得更多 。)
Adding a little lemon juice enhances the flavor of the rice. (The rice tastes good but now it will taste great.)
加入一点柠檬汁可以增强米饭的风味 。(米饭味道不错,但现在味道很好 。)
The verb “improve” means to make (something) better. This can be something that is not so good to begin with. For example, mobile phone batteries do not often stay charged for a whole day. A new batteries could let you use your phone all day without charging it.
动词improve(改进)的意思是使(某物)变得更好,这指的是一开始并不太好的事情 。例如,手机电池不可能一整天都在充电 。一种新电池可以让你不用充电就整天使用你的手机 。
The new battery designs improve their performance. (Before the batteries did not last long enough, but the new ones are better.)
新的电池设计提高了它们的性能 。(之前的电池使用时间还不够长,但新电池更好 。)
Or think of a person with little education. She may return to school.
或者一个受过很少教育的人,她可能会回到学校 。
Hilda took a night class to improve her chances of getting a good job.(Hilda cannot get a good job now, but maybe she will after taking the class.)
希尔达上了夜校,以提高她找到一份好工作的机会 。(希尔达现在不能找到一份好工作,但也许她会在上课后找到好工作 。)
“Increase” is a little different from the other two. It means to make something larger or greater in size,or amount.
Increase(增加)与其他两个略有不同,其意思是让某物在大小或数量上变得更大、更多 。
Online teachers are trying to increase their earnings. (They will get 30 percent more money by teaching online.)
在线教师正努力增加他们的收入 。(通过在线教学,他们将多挣30%的钱 。)
The shoe company moved to a bigger space to increase production. (The company will make 1,000 more shoes a day.)
这家鞋业公司搬到了一个更大的地方以增加产量 。(该公司一天将多生产1000只鞋 。)
Our town leaders want to increase the number of homeowners. (There will be 10 percent more homeowners in the town.)
我们的镇长想要增加购房者的数量 。(该镇将有10%的购房者 。)
1.Use “enhance” to talk about making a good thing even better.
2.Use “improve” to talk about making a thing better that is not so good now.
3.Use “increase” when you want to talk about larger numbers or amounts.
1.enhance:使原本好的事情变得更好 。
