【针对农业支付 欧盟采取更多简化措施】EU - A new suite of measures to simplify the EU's Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) were welcomed this week by farming organisation CopaCogeca.The latest tranche of simplification measures unveiled by EU Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development Phil Hogan will include a raft of measures designed to end the "climate of fear" for farmers when applying for aid under the Common Agricultural Policy.In line with the ongoing efforts to simplify the implementation of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), Commissioner Phil Hogan presented his latest proposals to the members of the Agriculture and Rural Development committee of the European Parliament. The focus of the newly announced simplification package is on the penalty system for most direct payment schemes, to take into account reasonable concerns by farmers in case of unintentional mistakes while also reducing the frequency of errors and therefore protecting public funds.
新一套用于简化欧盟共同农业政策(CAP)的措施本周受到Copa-Cogeca农业组织的欢迎 。欧盟农业和农村发展委员会菲尔·霍根(Phil Hogan)公开了最新一批简化措施,其中包括大量结束农民对天气恐怖的措施,农民可以申请共同农业政策的支援 。为了实现简化共同农业政策而不断努力,委员菲尔·霍根(Phil Hogan)向欧洲农业和农村发展议会成员提出自己最新的提议 。新宣布的简化方案重点是对于最直接付款准备的惩罚制度,器重农民合理的关切,以防无意的错误并减少分仨的频率,保护公众的资金 。
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