华德士测试评分标准 华德士

【华德士测试评分标准 华德士】(2016年1月19日,/HRoot.com/)知名招聘顾问公司华德士宣布,该公司董事会提升Giles Daubeney为该公司副总裁 , 此项任命即可生效 。
Giles Daubeney将与华德士总裁Leslie Van de Walle以及该公司董事会紧密协作,同时也将在公司战略、投资者关系等方面承担更多的角色与职责 。Giles Daubeney还将继续担任其首席运营官的职位 。
Giles Daubeney于1988年加入华德士公司,先后担任了多个重要管理岗位 , 1999年被任命为COO , 2000年加入公司董事会,在华德士服务已经长达28年 。
与此同时,华德士还表示,目前公司创始人兼CEO并没有任何离开公司的计划与打算 。

华德士测试评分标准 华德士

Robert Walters appoints new deputy CEO(Jan.19,2016,/staffingindustry.com/)The Board of Robert Walters, the UK-based international specialist recruitment consultancy, has announced that Giles Daubeney has been promoted to Deputy CEO, with immediate effect.
Daubeney will be working more closely with Chairman, Leslie Van de Walle and the Board, as he takes a more active role in the strategy and its engagement with the city and investor relations. Daubeney will also maintain the responsibilities of his previous role as COO.
Daubeney has been with Robert Walters for 28 years, first joining in 1988 after working in recruitment for Accountancy Selection Limited and Badenoch & Clark. He was then appointed as COO in 1999 and joined the board in 2000.
As of now, there are no plans for Robert Walters, founder and CEO, to leave the business.
