贵州恼火是什么意思 恼火是什么意思

贵州恼火是什么意思 恼火是什么意思

machine [m???i?n] n. 机器
mad [m?d] a. 发疯的;生气的
go mad with sth. 因某事而发狂Hearing the good news, he almost went mad with joy. 听到那个好消息,他欣喜若狂 。
be mad about 对……入迷Most of the young students are mad about pop music. 绝大多数青年学生对流行音乐着迷 。
be mad at 对……恼火The manager was mad at his speech. 经理对他所说的话很恼火 。
magazine [m?ɡ??zi?n] n. 杂志
magic[?m?d??k] a. 有魔力的
main[me?n] a. 主要的
make(made, made) [me?k] vt. 制造 , 做;使得I made up my mind to study English well.
近义词辨析: make/produce/do/let① make与produce, 作“生产、制造”讲时,二者可以互换 。
They produce cars in the factory.=They make cars in the factory. 这家工厂生产轿车 。
② make与do 二者表示不同的“做” , 通常说做一个动作用do来表示,而制作一种以前并不存在的东西,则用make 。
–What are you doing? 你在做什么?
–I’m cooking. 我在包饺子 。
③ make与let “让……”的意思 。Let一词含有提出建议的意思 , 而make一词则带有强制性,命令的意味 。
Mum let me stay at home last night. 昨晚妈妈让我呆在家里 。
make (good)use of 好好利用……
We should make good use of the knowledge we have. 我们应该充分利用我们的知识 。
make a contribution to 贡献给 , 捐赠
make a decision 做出决定
make a mistake 犯错误
make a telephone call (to )(给……)打电话
make a face 做鬼脸
make friends 交朋友
make sure 确保,确认
make up 组成,占
Are all animal bodies made up of cells? 所有动物的身体都是细胞组成的吗?
make up for 祢补 , 补偿Hard work can often make up for a lack of intelligence. 勤能补拙 。
make up one’s mind 下定决心We make up our mind to study hard. 我们下定决心好好学习 。
be made of 由……组成(看得出原料)My table is made of wood. 我的桌子是木头制成的 。
be made from 由……组成 (看不出原料)Wine is made from grapes. 葡萄酒是葡萄酿成的 。
make noise 发出令人不愉快的声音make one’s living 谋生He makes his living by giving piano lessons. 他以教授钢琴为生 。
man (pl.men) [m?n] n. 成年男人;人,人类
manage [?m?n?d?] v. 管理;设法
He is good at managing his money.
manager [?m?n?d??(r)] n. 经理
many [?men?] pron.a. 许多人(事);许多的
a great/good many 非常多的,很多的A great many people took part in the match.许多人参加了比赛 。
many a 许多(与单数名词连用,谓语动词也用单数) 。Many a man was killed in the traffic accident. 许多人死于车祸 。
map [m?p] n. 地图
March [mɑ?t?] n. 三月
mark [mɑ?k] n.&vt. 标记;标明
market [?mɑ?k?t] n. 市?。?集市
the money market 金融市场
the stock market 证券市场
marry [?m?r?] v. (使)成婚;结婚
marry sb. 和某人结婚John is going to marry Jane. 约翰将要和简结婚 。
be/get married 结婚They got married last month. 他们上个月结婚了 。
be/get married to 跟某人结婚He is going to get married to her. 他要和她结婚 。
match [m?t?] n.vt. 比赛;竞赛;火柴;使相配;使配对
math(s)=mathematics [m?θ??m?t?ks] n. 数学
matter n. 物质,事件no matter 不论,不管
as a matter of fact 事实上
As a matter of fact, he didn’t care about death and life. 事实上,他根本没考虑生死问题 。
may [me?](might,——) modal.v 可以;也许,可能
