tellthetruth理论 tellthetruth( 二 )

They were asked to answer a number of questions — sometimes truthfully and sometimes deceptively both in their native language and in a foreign language. Some questions were neutral such as “Berlin is/is not in Germany”; other questions were clearly emotional like “Have you ever taken illegal drugs?” or “Would you work as a nude model?”. 他们被要求用母语和外语撒谎或真实回答一些判断题 。一部分是中性问题,例如:“柏林在/不在德国”;还有一部分是情绪性问题,如“你服用过违禁药物吗?” 或“你会做裸体模特吗?” 。
While the test participants answered the questions, the scientists measured their response time, skin conductance and heart rate. 当被试者回答问题时,科学家会测量他们的用时、皮肤导电率和心率 。
In a nutshell, the results are as follows: 简单来说,实验结果如下:
Usually, it takes longer to answer emotional questions than neutral ones. 通常,回答情绪性问题会比回答中性问题更费时 。
Answers in the foreign language also take longer than their native language counterparts. 用外语回答比用母语回答更费时 。
Generally, it takes longer to tell a lie than to tell the truth. 普遍而言,撒谎比说真话更费时 。
However, the time difference between deceptive and truthful answers are less pronounced in a second language than in the native language. 然而,用外语撒谎和说真话之间的时间差不如母语中那么明显 。
The slight difference does not, however, result from giving a faster deceptive response. Rather in a foreign language, telling the truth takes longer than in one’s native tongue. 撒谎耗时短并不是导致这种微弱时间差原因 , 而用外语说真话比母语耗时 。
Whether neutral or emotional question: The time differences between telling the truth and lying are generally smaller in a foreign language. 无论是中性问题还是情绪性问题,用外语撒谎与说真话的时间差不明显 。
The scientists believe that these findings reflect the “antagonistic effects of emotional distance and cognitive load”. 科学家认为,这些结论反映了“认知负荷和情感距离的抗颉作用” 。
“Based on the cognitive load hypothesis, one would have expected increased effort for truth telling and lying in a foreign language, with the increased effort being more pronounced for lying,” Kristina Suchotzki says. “根据认知负荷理论,用外语说真话和撒谎都会增加认知负荷 。用外语撒谎所增加的认知负荷更多一些 , ” Kristina Suchotzki 说 。
The data suggest that the increased cognitive effort is responsible for the prolongation of the truth response in the foreign language. 数据表明 , 认知负荷的增加是因为用外语说真话耗时长 。
The reason why this prolongation does not exist or is less pronounced in lying can be explained with the emotional distance hypothesis: The greater emotional distance in a foreign language thus “cancels out” the higher cognitive load when lying. 在用外语撒谎时,这种延时不存在或不太明显的原因,可以用情感距离理论来理解:撒谎时 , 外语带来的情感距离大到足以“抵消”认知负荷 。
Journal Reference:
Kristina Suchotzkife. (2018, Nov 2). The Language of Lies Behavioral and Autonomic Costs of Lying in a Native Compared to Foreign Language. Journal of Experimental Psychology, Journal of Experimental Psychology.
来源:Science Daily 编辑:张曦 实习生:钟文兴
来源:China Daily
