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Incubator xinchi外语
incubator英 [???kjube?t?(r)] 美 [???kjube?t?r]
n. (用于体弱婴儿或早产儿护理的)恒温箱,保育箱;孵化器;细菌培养器;微生物培养器;(新兴小企业的)孵化基地(常配有后勤人员及设备,租金低廉)
[ 复数 incubators ]
Business Incubator 企业孵化器 ; 孵化器 ; 商业孵化器
Wikimedia Incubator 维基孵育场
enterprise incubator 企业孵化器
incubator [ 'inkjubeit? ]
n. apparatus consisting of a box designed to maintain a constant temperature by the use of a thermostat; used for chicks or premature infants同义词: brooder
以上来源于: WordNet
incubator /??nkj??be?t?, ???/ TEM8
1. N-COUNT An incubator is a piece of hospital equipment that helps weak or small babies to survive. It consists of a transparent container in which the oxygen and temperature levels can be controlled. 恒温箱
2. N-COUNT An incubator is a piece of equipment used to keep eggs or bacteria at the correct temperature for them to develop. 孵化器; 细菌培养器
n. [禽]孵卵器;[儿科]保温箱;早产儿保育器;细菌培养器hatcher , brooder
词根: incubate
n.incubation 孵化;[病毒][医] 潜伏;抱蛋
incubate 孵育物
vi.incubate 孵化;酝酿
vt.incubate 孵化;培养;温育;逐渐发展
The incubator provides some interesting projects that might come to fruition in the near future.
孵化器提供了一些有趣的项目 , 它们可能在不久的将来会走向成熟 。
Keep this in mind as you read about the incubator components in this section—they are very cool but incomplete.
当你阅读这一节的孵化器组件时,要记住的一点是——它们很酷但不完整 。
The nation-state, though he was well aware of its parochial and xenophobic limitations, seemed to be liberty's best incubator.
民族国家似乎是自由的最佳孵化器,虽然他非常清楚其狭隘和排外的局限 。
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【电商孵化基地是干什么的 孵化器公司是干什么的】My email:ilikework_cz@126.com
