bicycles是什么意思翻译成中文 bicycles是什么意思( 二 )

Mummy Pig: Are you sure you want to ride without stabilizers? 你确定你骑自行车时可以不用辅助轮?
Peppa Pig: Yes! 是的!
Mummy Pig: You've never done it before. 可你之前从没试过 。
Peppa Pig: I can do it. I can! I can! Arrgh! 我可以的 。我可以!我可以!?。?
It's not funny! 一点都 不好笑!
Narrator: Riding without stabilizers is not easy. 没有辅助轮的自行车挺难骑的 。
Daddy Pig: Would you like some help, Peppa? 需要帮助吗,佩奇?
Peppa Pig: Yes, please, Daddy. 当然需要,爸爸 。
Daddy Pig: Alright. Ready… Steady… GO! 那好吧,准备好,坐好啦,骑吧!
Peppa Pig: Don't let go, Daddy! 不要放手啊,爸爸!
Daddy Pig: Don't worry. I've got you. 别担心,我会保护你!
Mummy Pig: You're doing really well, Peppa. 你做得非常好,佩奇 。
Peppa Pig: Hold on, Daddy! 抓紧了 , 爸爸!
Daddy Pig: Just keep peddling. 你继续踩踏板 。
Narrator: Peppa is riding on her own, 佩奇能自己骑自行车了 。
Without stabilizers! 不需要辅助轮了!
Peppa Pig: Daddy! You let go! 爸爸!你怎么放手了!
Daddy Pig: You've been cycling on your own for ages. 你已经一个人骑了很久了,知道吗?
Peppa Pig: Have I? 真的吗?
Mummy Pig: You're really very good at it! 你骑得真的很好哦,佩奇!
Peppa Pig: Am I? 是吗?
Oh, I can do it! Look at me! Look at me! 哦 我真的做到了!看我!快看我!
I can ride my bike properly. 我真的会骑两轮自行车了 。
Danny! Suzy! Rebecca! Look! 丹尼 苏西 瑞贝卡 看!
I don't need my stabilizers anymore! 我再也不需要辅助轮的帮助了!
Look at me! 你们看?。?
Danny Suzy Rebecca: Hurray! 好棒?。?
Peppa Pig: Race you to Daddy's pumpkin! 我们比赛骑到南瓜那里去!
Wheeeee! 来啦!
Daddy Pig: Peppa, look out my pumpkin! 佩奇,小心我的南瓜!
I'm going to win! 我马上就要赢了!
Narrator: Peppa isn't looking where she is going! 佩奇没有看前面的路!
Peppa Pig: Ahhhh! Wahhhh! Oops! 啊 噢 天哪!
Narrator: Oh, dear, Peppa has squashed Daddy Pig's pumpkin! 哦 糟糕 佩奇把猪爸爸的南瓜给撞碎了 。【squash[skwɑ??] 把…压变形,压坏】
Peppa Pig: Sorry I squashed your pumpkin, Daddy. 对不起爸爸 , 我把你的南瓜撞碎了 。
Daddy Pig: Never mind the pumpkin. 不要管南瓜啦
The important thing is that you are okay. 只要你没有受伤就好了
In future, you really must look where you are going. 但是记住了,以后骑车要看路哦 。【in future 今后,从今以后 , 相当于 from now on; in the future 未来,将来】
Peppa Pig: I promise I will, Daddy. 我保证我一定会看路的 。
Daddy Pig: Good. Anyway, now the pumpkin is broken, I can make it into pumpkin pie! 好了,既然南瓜都已经碎了,我可以用它来做南瓜派了!
Peppa Pig: I love pumpkin pie! 我喜欢吃南瓜派!
Mummy Pig: And because Daddy Pig's pumpkin is so big, there will be enough pumpkin pie for everyone! 因为猪爸爸种的南瓜非常大 , 所以我们每个人都可以吃到南瓜派了!
Everyone: Hurray! 真棒!
[小猪佩奇]视频在这里哦:小猪佩奇 第一季 英文版第12集-番剧-全集-高清正版在线观看-bilibili-哔哩哔哩ic_close_normal

bicycles是什么意思翻译成中文 bicycles是什么意思

We have to be very careful not to bump into it.
bicycles是什么意思翻译成中文 bicycles是什么意思

Don't let go, Daddy!
1. Bump into it
