story called怎么读 called怎么读( 二 )

6. The support from his whole family gave him confidence to solve the difficult problem and finally he not onlydiscovered a new disease but also invented new medicine against it.来自他全家的支持给了他解决难题的信心,最终他不仅发现了新的疾病而且发明了新药抵制这种疾病 。
①support vt.支持;帮助;支撑;维持 n.支撑;支持者
②whole a.全部的,所有的;完整的
③confidence n.信心;信任;秘密
④solve vt.解决;解答
⑤finally ad.最后 , 终于;总算
⑥not only ……, but also…… 不仅……,而且……
⑦discover vt.发现
⑧disease n.疾病
⑨invent vt.发明,创造
⑩medicine n.医学;医药,良药
⑾against prep.(表示态度)反对;(表示方位)紧靠着……;(表示对象)对……不利
7. Since the clever boy realizes that he himself is keen on physics, he makes a decision to study this interesting subject well with the help of his teacher.由于那个聪明的男孩意识到他自己热爱物理,他决定在老师的帮助下好好学这个有趣的学科 。
①sinceprep.从……以来;自从……之后;自从 conj.自从……以来;自从……的时候起;既然;由于
②realize vt.实现;了解
③keen a. 热切的; 热情的; 热心的 be keen on喜爱
⑤decisionn.决定;果断;决议 make a decision 做决定
⑥subject [?s?bd?ikt] n.主题;学科;对象;主语vt.使服从
7. Since the clever boy realizes that he himself is keen on physics, he makes a decision to study this interesting subject well with the help of his teacher.由于那个聪明的男孩意识到他自己热爱物理,他决定在老师的帮助下好好学这个有趣的学科 。
①sinceprep.从……以来;自从……之后;自从 conj.自从……以来;自从……的时候起;既然;由于
②realize vt.实现;了解
③keen a. 热切的; 热情的; 热心的
be keen on喜爱
make a decision 做决定
⑥subject [?s?bd?ikt] n.主题;学科;对象;主语vt.使服从
8. Besides eating more vegetables and less meat, these fat men have totake several exercises such as playing basketball, running in order to lose weight.除了多吃蔬菜少吃肉,这些肥胖的男人们必须做一些锻炼来减肥,例如打篮球,跑步 。
①besides [bi'saidz]ad. 此外, 加之, 而且; 在其他方面
prep. 此外, 加之, 而且; 在其他方面;在…之外, 除…之外
②vegetable [?ved?it?bl] n.蔬菜 , 植物
③less [les] a./ ad.[little的比较级]更少(小)的(地)
④several [?sev?r?l] a.几个,若干,数个
⑤exercise [?eks?saiz] n./ v.运动;练习;运用[ pl.]体操,演习
take exercise 做锻炼
⑥such as 例如,诸如
⑦in order to+V原 为了(做某事)
⑧lose [lu:z] v.丢失;迷失;输,损失
⑨weight [weit]n.重量;砝码
lose weight 减肥
9. It is very kind of you to help us repair this new computer for it is difficult for us to finish the work without it in time.你太好了帮我们修好了这台新电脑,因为对我们来说,没有它要及时完成工作是困难的 。
①It is/was + 形容词 + for / of sb + to do sth(用of sb表示某人具有某品质;用for sb表示某事对于某人怎么样)
②repair [ri?p??] n.修理 vt.修理(补);
③difficult [?difik?lt] a.困难的
④finish [?fini?] v.完成结束 n.结束 , 末尾
⑤without [wi?eaut] prep.无,没有
⑥in time 及时
10. All the members in this club are worried about the changes of climate so they perform an activity to ask more people to protect environment.这个俱乐部的所有成员都担心气候的变化 , 因此他们发起一个活动让更多的人来保护环境 。
