story called怎么读 called怎么读( 四 )

①supply[s??plai] n.供应[ pl.]存货,必需品 vt.供给;满足
②energy[?en?d?i] n.活力,干劲,精力;能,能量 , 能源
③knowledge[?n?lid?] n.知识,学问;知道,了解
④provide[pr??vaid] vt.供给,提供
⑤chance[t?ɑ:ns] n.可能性;机会
⑥improve[im?pru:v] vt.改进 , 改善 vi.改善,变得更好
⑦realize[?ri?laiz] vt.认识,明白;实现,使变为现实
realize sb’s dream 实现某人的梦想
17. After the leaders discussed with each other about the sports meeting, they agreed to cancel it because it might snow heavily and some accidents might happen.在领导们互相讨论过运动会后,由于大雪和事故的发生,他们同意取消它 。
①leader[?li:d?] n.领袖 , 领导者
②discuss[dis?k?s] vt.讨论,谈论,论述
③each other[?i:t? ??e?] 互相,彼此
④agree[??gri:] vi.赞同;一致;(气候等)相宜 vt.同意
⑤cancel[?k?ns?l] vt.取消,废除;抵消,对消;删去,划掉
⑥might[mait] 情态动词.[may的过去式] 可能
⑦heavily[?hevili] ad.沉重地,猛烈地
⑧accident[??ksid?nt] n.意外遭遇,事故
⑨happen[?h?p?n] vi.发生;碰巧,恰好[后接不定式happen to do sth]
18. A few little girls like the Chinese teacher because he looks like a famous Japanese film star and also knows a little Japanese culture.一些小女孩喜欢语文老师因为他看起来像一个有名的日本电影明星,而且他也知道一些日本文化 。
①a few 有些 , 几个 [后接可数名词复数]
②look like sb/sth 看起来像……
③famous[?feim?s] a.著名的,出名的
④film[film] n.电影;胶片(卷)
⑤a little[??litl] 一些,一点 [后接不可数名词]
⑥culture[?k?lt??] n.文化,文明;教养
19. The manager prefers going to a restaurant with his friends to invitingthem to have a meal at home because he says it is too tired for him to prepare food and cook at home.比起在家请客,那个经理还是喜欢和朋友去饭店吃,因为他说他太累了 , 不想在家中准备和烹调食物 。
①manager[?m?nid??] n.经理,管理人;经纪人
②restaurant[?restr?nt,?rest?r?nt] n.餐馆,饭店
③invite[in?vait] vt.邀请
④too + 形容词/副词 + to + V原 “太……,而不能……”
⑤prepare[pri?p??] v.准备,预备
⑥cook[kuk] vt.烹调,煮,烧 n.厨师 , 炊事员
20. Every Saturday science museum iscrowded with a lot of middle school students, and some teachers are busy explaining the scientific secret behind a lot of interesting experiments.每周六 , 科学博物馆里挤满了中学生,而老师忙于解释许多有趣实验背后的科学奥秘 。
①science[?sai?ns] n.科学;学科
②museum[mju(:)?zi?m] n.博物馆
③crowd[kraud] n.人群 , 群众;一群 v.聚集;挤满;挤,推
be crowded with 聚满/挤满了……
④a lot of[? ?l?t ?v] 大量的,许多的
⑤busy[?bizi] a.忙的;繁忙的
be busy doing sth 忙于做……
⑥explain[ik?splein] v.讲解,解释,说明
⑦scientific[?sai?n?tifik] a.科学的
⑧secret[?si:krit] a.秘密的,机密的 n.秘密
⑨behind[bi?haind] prep.在…后;落后于
⑩experiment[ik?sperim?nt] n.实验,试验 vi.(on,with)作实验
21. This pretty nurse told the lovely girl it was bad manners to throw the rubbish everywhere and she should put them into the dustbin.那个漂亮的护士告诉那个可爱的女孩 , 随处乱扔垃圾是不文明的举止,她应该扔在垃圾桶里 。
①pretty[?priti] ad.相当,很 a.漂亮的,俊俏的,标致的
②nurse[n?:s] n.护士,保姆 , 保育员 vt.护理,照料
③manner[?m?n?] n.方式(法);态度,风度 , 规矩,举止[ pl.]
