story called怎么读 called怎么读( 五 )

④throw[θr?u] vt.扔;使突然陷入
⑤rubbish[?r?bi?] n.垃圾 , 废物
⑥everywhere[?evriwe?] ad.到处,各处,无论何处
⑦should[?ud, ??d] aux. v.[shall的过去式];应当;可能
⑧dustbin['d?stbin] n.垃圾箱
22. When the engineer found the machine stopped working, he stopped to check what was the matter with it.当工程师发现机器停止工作,他停下来查看出了什么错.
①engineer[?end?i?ni?] n.工程师,火车司机 vt.操纵;设计,建造
②find[faind] vt.发现;感到
③machine[m???i(:)n] n.机器,机械
④stop doing sth 停止手头正在做的事;stop to do sth停止下来去做另一件事
⑤check[t?ek] v.检查;突然停止 n.核对;支票
⑥matter[?meit?] n.事情,情况;物质,物品 vi.要紧
23. The lady’s husband raised his head and told me that yesterday’s highest temperature had risen to 36 degrees, but tomorrow it would rise by 3 degrees.这位女士的丈夫抬起头并告诉我昨天最高气温升到 36度,但是今天还会升 3度 。
①husband[?h?zb?nd] n.丈夫
②raise[rez, reiz] vt./ n.举起;增加;筹集;引起;养育
③high[hai] a.高(级;尚;兴)的 ad.高
④temperature[?temp(?)rit??] n.温度,体温;热度 , 发烧
⑤rise[raiz] vi.升起;起立(床);上涨 n.上涨;升高
⑥degree[di?gri:] n.度,度数;程度;学位
24. It was very loud outside the classroom so our English teacher required all the students to read the new text aloud.教室外面很吵 , 所以我们的英语老师要求所有的学生大声朗读新课文 。
①loud[laud] a.大声的;ad.大声地
②outside[?aut?said] prep./ n./ ad./ a.(在,向)的外面(的)
③require[ri?kwai?] vt.需要;要求,规定
④aloud[??laud] ad.出声地,大声地
25. The beautiful journalist received the rich man’s expensive gift; however, sherefused to accept it because she didn’t like him.那个漂亮的采访人员收到了这富人送的昂贵礼物,但是她拒绝接受,因为她不喜欢他 。
①journalist[?d??:n?list] n.新闻工作者,新闻采访人员
②receive[ri?si:v] vt.收到;受到;接待,接见,欢迎
③expensive[ik?spensiv] a.昂贵的,花钱多的
④gift[gift] n.礼物,赠品;天赋 , 才能
⑤however[hau?ev?] ad.然而,可是;无论如何conj.不管怎样
⑥refuse[ri?fju:z] v.拒绝,不接受 , 不同意
⑦accept[?k?sept] vt.接(领,收)受;承认,同意;相信
26—My deskmate has made sogreat progress in French recently that he can speak French fluently now.
—So he has, and so have you.Congratulations on winning the first prize in the French contest.
—我同桌最近在法语上取得很大进步,现在法语说得很流利了 。
—是的,你也是 。祝贺你赢的法语竞赛第一名 。
①deskmate 同桌
②progress[?pr?ugres] n./ vi.前进 , 进步 , 进展
make progress 取得进步、进展
③French[frent?] a.法国;法国人(的) n.法语
④recently[?ri:s?ntli] ad.最近 , 新近
⑤fluently['flu:?ntli] adv. 流利地, 流畅地
⑥so + 形容词/副词 + that…… “如此……,以至于……”
⑦so + 人称代词 + be/助动词“某人确实如此”;so + be/助动词 + 人称代词“某人也是如此”
⑧congratulation[k?n?gr?tju?lei??n] n.[ pl.]贺词;祝贺,恭喜
⑨win[win] vi.获胜,赢 vt.获胜;赢得
⑩prize[praiz] n.奖(金 , 品)
11contest[k?n?test, ?k?ntest] n.比赛;争夺 vt.争夺,竞争
27.A duck is lying below a tree, it haslaid four eggs but the boy lied that it had laid 3 eggs.一只鸭子躺在树下,它下了四个蛋,但是那个男孩谎称它只下了3个蛋 。
