姐姐妹妹英语怎么读 妹妹英语怎么读

1、She goes to school on Mondays.
He goes to school on Mondays too.
打电话Who's that?你是谁? It's Tom.我是汤姆
Does Tom go to school on Mondays?
No,he doesn't .He's only two years old.
2、Tom doesn't go to school on Mondays.
I play football on Mondays.
She plays football on Mondays.
3、The dog likes meat. 狗喜欢吃肉
The cat likes fish. 猫喜欢吃鱼
Does the cat like meat? Yes,she does.
Does your mum go to work on Saturdays?
No,she doesn't .She goes shopping on Saturdays.
4、I go to school on Mondays.
My sister goes too. 我妹妹也是
She goes to school on Tuesdays. And so do you. 你也是
He goes to work on Tuesdays.But not you.
Make a poster of your family memebers' Saturday activities.
【姐姐妹妹英语怎么读 妹妹英语怎么读】做一张你家人周六活动的海报
