脚英语怎么读音发音 脚英语怎么读

clap /kl?p/v. 拍手,鼓掌
wave /we?v/ v. 挥手;挥手示意
shake /?e?k/ v. 摇动,抖动
stamp /st?mp/ vt. 跺(脚),重踩
shoulder /????ld?(r)/ n. 肩,肩膀
shoulders/'??uld?z/ n. 肩膀
toe /t??/ n. (人的)脚趾,(兽、鸟的)趾
toes /t??z/ n. [解剖]脚趾
knee /ni?/ n. 膝盖
knees /ni?z/ [解剖]膝
first/f??st/ adv. 第一,最初;起初
1、Close your eyes.闭上你的眼睛
Open your mouth.张开你的嘴巴
Touch your nose.摸你的鼻子
Touch your ear.
Touch your face.
2、make a puppet 做一个木偶
Let's make a peppet.让我们做一个木偶
Great.好啊/Good idea! 好主意!
3、Clap your hands.拍怕手
Touch your head.摸摸头
Wave your arms.挥挥手臂
Shake your legs.抖抖腿
Shake your body.抖抖身体
Stamp your foot.跺跺脚
4、Head and shoulders,knees and toes.
头和肩膀 , 膝盖和脚趾
Eyes and ears and mouth and nose.
【脚英语怎么读音发音 脚英语怎么读】5、make the head制作头部
make the body 制作身体
An arm and a leg.一只手臂和一只脚
Let's play with the puppet.让我们和木偶一起玩吧
