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octoparms怎么读 arms怎么读

What makes a beer belly how it is, round and hard?
【单词】beer [beer][b??] n. 啤酒
【单词】belly ['bel-ee]['beli] n. 腹部
What makes it different from a normal stomach or a soft(fat) stomach?
【单词】stomach ['stuhm-uhk]['st?m?k] n. 胃;腹部
【单词】soft [sawft, soft][s?ft] adj. 柔软的;柔和的;轻的
【单词】fat [fat][f?t] adj. 胖的,肥的
If you stab your belly with a knife, first you will cut the skin, then subcutaneous fat, then your abdominal muscles, then visceral fat, then your organs.
【译】假设用刀子捅人的肚子 , 首先会切到皮肤 , 然后是皮下脂肪,然后是腹部肌肉,然后是内脏脂肪,然后在是内脏器官 。
【单词】stab [stab][st?b] v. 刺;戳;刺伤
【单词】knife [nahyf][na?f] n. 刀,小刀
【单词】skin [skin][sk?n] n. 皮肤;外皮
【单词】subcutaneous [suhb-kyoo-'tey-nee-uhs][?s?bkju'te?ni?s] adj. 皮下的
【单词】abdominal [ab-'dom-uh-nl][?b'd?m?nl] adj. 腹部的
【单词】muscles 原型:muscle ['muhs-uhl]['m?sl] n. 肌肉
【单词】visceral ['vis-er-uhl]['v?s?r?l] adj. 发自肺腑的;内脏的
【单词】organs 原型:organ ['awr-guhn]['??ɡ?n] n. 器官
That means if you press your belly and feel softness, you are pressing against your subcutaneous fat.
【译】这意味着如果你按下你的腹部感觉柔软,你是在压迫你的皮下脂肪 。
【单词】softness [s?ftn?s] n. 柔和;温柔
【单词】subcutaneous [suhb-kyoo-'tey-nee-uhs][?s?bkju'te?ni?s] adj. 皮下的
Cutaneous means skin, and subcutaneous means below the skin.
【译】cutaneous 的意思是皮肤,而subcutaneous的意思是皮下 。
【单词】cutaneous [kyoo-'tey-nee-uhs][kju'te?ni?s] adj. 皮肤的;侵犯皮肤的 cutaneously
If you press against your belly and feel something hard, you are pushing against your muscles.
【译】如果你压迫你的腹部并感觉到一些硬的东西 , 你就是在压迫你的肌肉 。
【单词】pushing 原型:push [poosh][p??] v. 推;按;挤
If you have a big belly, but it's hard that means that you have a lot of visceral fat.
【译】如果你有一个大肚子 , 但它是硬的 , 这意味着你有很多内脏脂肪 。
Visceral means deep.
【译】内脏意味着比较深 。
It feels hard because you are pressing the muscle, but there's a lot of fat behind the muscle which causes your gut to bulge.
【译】感觉很硬,因为你在压迫肌肉,但肌肉后面有很多脂肪,这会导致你的内脏变得臃肿 。
【单词】muscle ['muhs-uhl]['m?sl] n. 肌肉
【单词】gut [guht][ɡ?t] n. 内脏;肠子
【单词】bulge [buhlj][b?ld?] v. 膨胀;充满
