octoparms怎么读 arms怎么读( 三 )

【单词】races 原型:race [reys][re?s] n. 人种;种族;血统
Fortunately, even though visceral fat is the most dangerous kind of fat, it's the easiest to lose.
【译】幸运的是,尽管内脏脂肪是最危险的脂肪,但它最容易流失 。
【词法】even though是“尽管”的意思,为连词,引导让步状语从句用于引导让步状语从句 。如:He went out even though it was raining. 尽管在下雨,他还是出去了 。
【单词】fortunately ['fawr-chuh-nit-lee]['f??t??n?tli] adv. 幸运地;幸亏
【单词】lose [looz][lu?z] v. 丢失;削减;亏损;减少
Cardio like running, swimming, cycling can melt away visceral fat.
【译】像跑步、游泳、骑自行车这样的有氧运动可以逐步消除内脏脂肪 。
【单词】cardio ['kahr-dee-oh]['kɑ?di??] n. 有氧运动
【单词】swimming 原型:swim [swim][sw?m] v. 游泳
【单词】cycling 原型:cycle ['sahy-kuhl]['sa?kl] v. 骑自行车
【单词】melt [melt][melt] vi. 融化;熔化;消散
It's the first kind of fat to go.
【译】这是(进行有氧运动后)第一种会被消耗的脂肪 。
As a last thing, sometimes people say that if you have a lot of visceral fat, you are apple shaped.
【译】最后,有时人们会说,如果你有很多内脏脂肪 , 你就是苹果形的 。
【单词】apple ['ap-uhl]['?pl] n. 苹果
【单词】shaped 原型:shape [sheyp][?e?p] n. 形状;形式;身材;定形

octoparms怎么读 arms怎么读

Your gut is big and your arms and legs are small.
【译】你的内脏体积很大,胳膊和腿都较小 。
【单词】arms 原型:arm [ahrm][ɑ?m] n. 臂;胳膊
【单词】legs 原型:leg [leg][leɡ] n. 腿
【octoparms怎么读 arms怎么读】If you have a lot of subcutaneous fat (especially in your thighs) you are pear shaped.
【译】如果你有很多皮下脂肪(尤其是大腿),你是梨形的 。
【单词】thighs 原型:thigh [thahy][θa?] n. 大腿
【单词】pear [pair][pe?] n. 梨子;梨树
