博物馆的英语怎么读 十一的英语怎么读

博物馆的英语怎么读 十一的英语怎么读

at the eleventh hour最后一刻,最后时刻;最后关头;最危急的时刻;关键时刻
at the Eleventh hour不是“在十一点”;在十一点是at 11(o’clock)或at eleven o'clock:
源自《新约·马太福音》20 章 。故事说:有个葡萄园园主想雇几个工人到葡萄园去干活,他从一大早就开始雇人,前后雇了几批工人到园里干活 。古代中东人把日出日落分为十二等分(每一等分为一个 hour) , 雇到最后一批人的时候已是黄昏时刻(the eleventh hour),但是付工钱时,早上来的和傍晚来的都一视同仁地得到了一整天工资(一枚银币),弄得一大早就开始干活的人极为不满,心想早知如此,还不如十一点钟来,因为只要不超过十二点,都能得到同样的报酬 。后来人们就用 at the eleventh hour 来表示“在最后一刻”,“在最后的关头” 。
博物馆的英语怎么读 十一的英语怎么读

He had to give in at the Eleventh hour.
他不得不在最后时刻屈服 。
He postponed his trip at the eleventh hour.
他在最后时刻推迟了行程 。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》
She finished the last question at the eleventh hour!
She always turned her term papers in at the eleventh hour.
她总是赶在最后时刻才交论文 。
【博物馆的英语怎么读 十一的英语怎么读】An agreement was reached at the Eleventh hour.
协议在最后一刻才达成 。
We only received the signatures at the eleventh hour.
我们在最后一刻才收到签字 。
She always turned her term papers in at the eleventh hour.
她总是在最后一刻才交她的学期论文 。
We don't worry about death until the eleventh hour.
没有到最后一刻我们不担心死亡 。
Aunt Machida got married at the eleventh hour; after all, she was already 49 years old.
玛蒂尔达姨妈在最后一刻结婚了;毕竟她已经49岁了 。
博物馆的英语怎么读 十一的英语怎么读

Some of the exhibitions were cancelled at the eleventh hour.
一些展览在最后一刻被取消了 。
Then, at the eleventh hour, I had an accident that almost stopped me from entering the competition.
在最后一刻 , 我出了点事故差点阻止我参加比赛 。
I only received the results at the eleventh hour.
在最后关头我才收到了成绩 。
The patrol was almost surrounded and then, at the eleventh hour, reinforcements arrived.
这支巡逻队几乎被包围了,而值此危急之时援军赶到了 。
博物馆的英语怎么读 十一的英语怎么读

The criminal was trying to burst the ship, and at the eleventh hour the police came out.
犯罪分子正在试图炸毁整条船,关键时刻警察出现了 。
Tom caught the train at the eleventh hour.
汤姆在最后时刻刚好赶上火车 。
博物馆的英语怎么读 十一的英语怎么读

I looked everywhere to find my passenger ticket. Then I found it at the eleventh hour.
我到处找我的机票 。终于在最后一刻找到了 。
博物馆的英语怎么读 十一的英语怎么读

The patient was saved at the eleventh hour.
病人是在最后一刻才被抢救过来的 。
Their plan was called off at the eleventh hour.
他们的计划在最后时刻被取消了 。
It's at the eleventh hour when a man knows true value of life.
人总是在最危急的时刻才真正了解生命的价值 。
