microsoft怎么读 micro怎么读( 四 )

【译】他们猜得很快 , 而且尽可能懒地“检查”猜测 。
【用法】as…as possible表示“尽可能” 。两个as中间为形容词或者副词的原级 。如:(1)We should speak English as much as possible in English class. 此处为形容词,much修饰English 。(2)We have to run as fast as possible. 此处为副词,fast修饰run 。
【单词】quick [kwik][kw?k] adj. 迅速的;快的;机敏的 adv. 迅速地;快
【单词】guess [ges][ɡes] v. 推测;猜测
【单词】check [chek][t?ek] v. 检查;核对
【单词】lazily ['ley-zee]['le?z?l?] adv. 懒惰地;慢吞吞地
More accurately; brains need to be as fast as possible while using as little energy as possible, so we can out-compete everything else and not get killed – same as all life.
【译】更准确地说,大脑需要尽可能快的速度,同时尽可能少地消耗能量 , 这样我们就可以超越其他一切,而不会像所有生命一样被杀死(只被猎食者) 。
【单词】accurately ['ak-yer-it]['?kj?r?tli] adv. 准确地;精确地
That's what makes you successful; use the minimum resources to get what you need.
【译】这就是人类成功的原因;用最少的资源得到所需要的东西 。
【单词】minimum ['min-uh-muhm]['m?n?m?m] adj. 最少的;最低程度的
【单词】resources 原型:resource ['ree-sawrs][r?'s??s] n. 资源
Which is why life takes short-cuts – as long as they work more often than not…
【译】这就是为什么生活需要捷径-只要他们经常工作 。。。
It applies to all levels of things; from your example, to people more readily believing things they already know more than anything new to them – regardless of reality.
【译】它适用于所有层次的事物;从你的例子 , 到人们更容易相信他们已经知道的东西比任何新的东西还多-不管现实如何 。
【短语】regardless of 表示“不管……的;不顾……的”,后接名词、代词、从句 。如:Regardless of whether it rains, there will be plenty we can do for fun.
【单词】applies 原型:apply [uh-'plahy][?'pla?] vi. 有关联
【单词】readily ['red-l-ee]['red?li] adv. 容易地;迅速地;乐意地;欣然
【单词】regardless [ri-'gahrd-lis][r?'ɡɑ?dl?s] adj. 不顾的;不注意的 adv. 不顾
【单词】reality [ree-'al-i-tee][ri'?l?ti] n. 真实;现实;实际
Your brain is very efficient (lazy).
【译】人的大脑很高效(换个说法就是懒惰) 。
【单词】efficient [ih-'fish-uhnt][?'f??nt] adj. 效率高的;胜任的
It can ignore redundancies unless you focus on them.
【译】它可以忽略冗余的东西,除非你刻意专注于它们 。
【单词】redundancies 原型:redundancy [ri-'duhn-duhn-see][r?'d?nd?nsi] n. 冗余;多余信息
【单词】unless [uhn-'les, uhn-][?n'les] conj. 除非;如果不 prep. 除 … 外
A neat experiment to do ( but can be difficult) is if you stare at one point for a good amount of time, and I mean stare don't move your eyes even a bit, you'll notice it starts to disappear.
【译】一个很好的实验(但可能很难)是,如果你盯着一个点看很长时间 , 我的意思是瞪着你的眼睛一点儿也不动 , 你会注意到它开始消失 。
【单词】neat [neet][ni?t] adj. 整洁的;简洁的;利索的
【单词】experiment [ik-'sper-uh-muhnt][?k'sper?m?nt] n. 试验;实验;尝试
【单词】stare [stair][ste?] v. 盯着看;凝视
【单词】disappear [dis-uh-'peer][?d?s?'p??] vi. 消失;不见;失踪
Your brain is saying this is not new input so I will ignore it.
