microsoft怎么读 micro怎么读( 三 )

【单词】novel ['nov-uhl]['n?vl] adj. 新奇的
I'm an English tutor, and one of the practices we use to catch those kinds of mistakes is to read the whole text backward.
【译】我是一名英语老师 , 我们用来纠正这类错误的一种做法是把整篇课文反着读 。
【短语】used to … 过去一向,过去时常,过去曾(而现在不再)做某事; 例句:Young ladies used to have lessons in deportment. 少女们以前要上仪态课的 。
【单词】tutor ['too-ter, 'tyoo-]['tju?t?] n. 家庭教师;导师
【单词】catch [kach][k?t?] v. 赶上;抓?。徊蹲剑涣旎?br />【单词】mistakes 原型:mistake [mi-'steyk][m?'ste?k] n. 错误;误会;过失
【单词】backward ['bak-werd]['b?kw?d] adv. 向后 , 反方向
Doing this tricks the brain into not recognizing the speech patterns and causes it to focus on each word.
【译】这样做会诱使大脑无法识别语音模式,并导致它将注意力集中在每个单词上 。
【单词】tricks 原型:trick [trik][tr?k] n. 诡计;花招;把戏;诀窍
【单词】speech [speech][spi?t?] n. 言语;语言能力
Our brains are tuned for pattern recognition and prediction, not detail.
【译】我们的大脑被调整为模式识别和预测,而不是注重细节 。
【单词】recognition [rek-uhg-'nish-uhn][?rek?ɡ'n??n] n. 认出;识别
【单词】prediction [pri-'dik-shuhn][pr?'d?k?n] n. 预言;预报
【单词】detail [dih-'teyl]['di?te?l] n. 细节;琐事;枝节
That's also why things that break the expected pattern/outcome can be so jarring.
【译】这也是为什么打破预期模式/结果的事情会如此让人惊诧的原因 。
【单词】break [breyk][bre?k] v. 打碎;折断;违背;解决
【单词】jarring 原型:jar [jahr][d?ɑ?] vi. 发刺耳声;不协调;震荡;冲突 vt. 扰乱;震动
Sometimes it's in a fun way, though.
【译】不过,有时候这很有趣 。
【单词】fun [fuhn][f?n] adj. 有趣的
See movie twists, stage magic, joke punchlines and so on.
【译】看电影情节,舞台魔术,笑话,妙语等等 。
【单词】movie ['moo-vee]['mu?vi] n. 电影
【单词】twists 原型:twist [twist][tw?st] n. ?。慌で慌绦煌淝Γ徽饫镏浮埃ü适禄蚯榭龅模┳邸?br />【单词】magic ['maj-ik]['m?d??k] n. 魔法;魔术;魔力
【单词】joke [johk][d???k] n. 笑话;玩笑 v. 说笑话;开玩笑
【单词】punchline [?p?nt?la?n] n. (笑话最后的)关键句 , 妙语;画龙点睛之语
It's a filtering mechanism.
【译】这是一种过滤机制 。
【单词】filtering 原型:filter ['fil-ter]['f?lt?] v. 过滤;渗透
【单词】mechanism ['mek-uh-niz-uhm]['mek?n?z?m] n. 机制;原理
Ignore the leaves, see the broken up/partial shape or movement of the predator hiding behind them.
【译】忽略树叶,看看隐藏在树叶后面的掠食者的破碎/部分形状或运动 。
【单词】Ignore 原型:ignore 动词原形 [ig-'nawr, -'nohr][?ɡ'n??] vt. 忽视;不理;不顾
【单词】leaves 原型:leaf [leef][li?f] n. 树叶;叶
【单词】broken 原型:break [breyk][bre?k] v. 打碎;折断;违背;解决;中断
【单词】shape [sheyp][?e?p] n. 形状;形式;身材
【单词】predator ['pred-uh-ter, -tawr]['pred?t?] n. 食肉动物;掠夺者;(动物的)捕食性天敌
【单词】hiding 原型:hide [hahyd][ha?d] v. 藏;隐瞒;遮避
Brains are lazy.
【译】大脑是懒惰的 。
【单词】lazy ['ley-zee]['le?zi] adj. 懒惰的;懒散的
They are quick to guess, and they "check" the guess as lazily as possible.
