烤鸭早在明朝时就已成为北京官府人家中的席上珍品 。朱元璋建都南京后,明宫御厨便取用南京肥厚多肉的湖鸭制作菜肴 。为了增加鸭菜的风味,厨师采用炭火烘烤,成菜后鸭子吃口酥香,肥而不腻,受到人们称赞 , 即被宫廷取名为“烤鸭” 。以后明朝迁都北京,烤鸭技术也带到北京,并被进一步发展 。由于制作时取用玉泉山所产的填鸭,皮薄肉嫩,口味更佳 。烤鸭很快就成为全国风味名菜 。北京两家有名的烤鸭店“便宜坊”“全聚德”,便是明朝时开业的 。到了清朝 , 官吏们常常收购北京烤鸭,供皇帝及其亲属享用 。据《竹叶亭杂记》记载:“亲戚寿日,必以烧鸭相馈遣 。”烧就是烤,可见烤鸭还成了当时勋戚贵族间往来的必送礼品 。又有《忆京都词》这样写道:“忆京都,填鸭冠寰中 。焖烤登盘肥而美,加之炮烙制尤工” 。
烤鸭早在明朝时就已成为北京官府人家中的席上珍品 。朱元璋建都南京后,明宫御厨便取用南京肥厚多肉的湖鸭制作菜肴 。为了增加鸭菜的风味 , 厨师采用炭火烘烤,成菜后鸭子吃口酥香,肥而不腻,受到人们称赞,即被宫廷取名为“烤鸭” 。以后明朝迁都北京,烤鸭技术也带到北京,并被进一步发展 。
烤鸭早在明朝时就已成为北京官府人家中的席上珍品 。朱元璋建都南京后,明宫御厨便取用南京肥厚多肉的湖鸭制作菜肴 。为了增加鸭菜的风味 , 厨师采用炭火烘烤,成菜后鸭子吃口酥香 , 肥而不腻,受到人们称赞,即被宫廷取名为“烤鸭” 。以后明朝迁都北京,烤鸭技术也带到北京 , 并被进一步发展 。由于制作时取用玉泉山所产的填鸭,皮薄肉嫩,口味更佳 。烤鸭很快就成为全国风味名菜 。北京两家有名的烤鸭店“便宜坊”“全聚德” , 便是明朝时开业的 。到了清朝,官吏们常常收购北京烤鸭,供皇帝及其亲属享用 。据《竹叶亭杂记》记载:“亲戚寿日,必以烧鸭相馈遣 。”烧就是烤,可见烤鸭还成了当时勋戚贵族间往来的必送礼品 。又有《忆京都词》这样写道:“忆京都,填鸭冠寰中 。焖烤登盘肥而美 , 加之炮烙制尤工” 。
北京烤鸭是由中国汉族人研制于明朝,在当时是宫廷食品 。北京烤鸭的用料为优质肉食鸭北京鸭 , 采用果木炭火烤制,艳泽红润 , 肉质肥而不腻,外脆里嫩 。
烤鸭是具有世界声誉的北京著名菜式,它以色泽红艳 , 肉质细嫩,味道醇厚,肥而不腻的特色,被誉为“天下美味” 。
烤鸭的历史悠久,起源于中国南北朝时期的建康,当时的《食珍录》中已记有炙鸭 。烤鸭的色泽略黄,柔软淡香,可以夹卷其他荤素食物食用,为宴席常用菜点 。
相传,烤鸭之美,是源于名贵品种的北京鸭,它是当今世界最优质的一种肉食鸭 。据说,这一特种纯北京鸭的饲养 , 约起于千年前左右,是因辽金元之历代帝王游猎,偶获此纯白野鸭种,后为游猎而养,一直延续下来,才得此优良纯种,并培育成今之名贵的肉食鸭种 。
即用填喂方法育肥的一种白鸭,故名“填鸭” 。不仅如此,北京鸭曾在百年以前传至欧美,经繁育一鸣惊人 。因而,作为优质品种的北京鸭,成为世界名贵鸭种来源已久 。
Beijing Duck or Beijing Roast Duck
Beijing Roast duck is thought to be one of the most delicious dishes all over the world; most visitors coming to Beijing will never forget to have a try. Eating Peking duck is seen to be one of the two things you are absolutely supposed to do while in Beijing.
How roast duck was made?
You might want to know more about how Peking Roasted Duck is made. The ducks are raised for the sole purpose of making the food. Force-fed, they are kept in cages which restrain them from moving about, so as to fatten them up and make the meat comparably tender.
Special farms supply plump Beijing ducks weighing an average of 2.5 kilograms each. The two famous Beijing condiment shops, Liubiju and Tianyuan, supply the dark tangy bean sauce spread on the pancakes. The fragrant sesame oil and refined sugar are also specially selected. Finally, only the wood of fruit trees such as date, peach and pear are used in the roasting process to give the meat its unique fragrance.
Select a duck with whole skin. First the ducks are rubbed with spices, salt and sugar, and then kept hung in the air for some time. Cuts open the belly and draw, and then insert a 2 inch long piece of wood to support the chest bone and to stretch the skin. Hook the duck by the neck, spread diluted maltose over it. Hang the duck in an airy place to dry.
The stuffed duck is hung in the roaster and kettles of hot water are placed in front to fill out the duck. Proper timing and temperature are important and the duck is turned often enough to roast them completely and evenly. (Try 350°F turn every 15 minutes, total roasting time about 40 minutes). Roast until golden brown with rich grease perspiring outside and have a nice odor.
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