
简要回答august是个英文单词,是个形容词,中文解释的意思是:威严的;尊严的;令人敬畏的等 。


august这个英文单词,因为用法比较多,很多同学在使用的时候容易出现混淆的情况,下面让我们一起去了解这个英文单词的正确用法吧 。
详细内容01、He ruled this august of orchestra with a brilliant eat and an iron fist

All the most august, the most sublime, the most charming of humanity, and perhaps outside of humanity, have made puns.
人类中,也许是人类以外,最尊严、最卓越和最可亲的人都说过隐语 。
【august是什么意思】02、Being so near the august person of the Empress, he was overcome with awe.
如此靠近威严的女皇,他心中充满了敬畏 。
03、He was probably the most august figure in the house of lords.
他可能是上议院最威严的人物 。
04、But in that same year in which the Tisroc ( may he live for ever) began his august and beneficent reign, on a night when the moon was at her full, it pleased the gods to deprive me of my sleep.
但就在蒂斯罗克(愿他万寿无疆)开始他威严而造福的统治那一年里 , 一天晚上,月亮圆圆的,众神一时高兴,使我睡不成觉 。
05、You are following in August footsteps.
你正在跟随他令人敬畏的脚步 。

