要知道,荣耀战魂中不同角色的吼叫台词是不一样呢 。今天小编为大家带来的是转自reddit的作者Kevin8ryan的全职业特殊台词翻译合集,感兴趣的赶紧来看看吧!
Keep in mind these will not be perfect since none of these are my native language and it is all based off of hearing!
(作者注:要知道这些语言并不是我的母语,以下翻译基于听译,并不能做到完全准确 。)
Vikings, Icelandic
Jump heavy: Þú ert dauður! – "You are dead!"
【切头开颅:"You are dead!" (你死定了!)】
Deflect: Náði þér! – "Caught you!"
【偏斜破防:"Caught you!" (破绽!)】
Shield stance: HORFÐU Á MIG! – "Look at me!"
【完全防御模式:"Look at me!" (你的对手是我!)】
Unblockable: ÉG RÍF ÞIG Í BITA! - "I'll tear you to pieces!"
【突袭者之怒:"I'll tear you to pieces!" (我要撕碎你!)】
Leg sweep: ÉG DREP ÞIG! – "I'll kill you!"
【长矛横扫:"I'll kill you!" (我要杀了你!)】
Shield charge: Dauðastund! -Literal translation is time/moment of death.
【盾牌擒杀:Dauðastund! - 字面意思是,死亡时间 。】
Can be used as that but mostly used formally. In the old stories the dauðastund would often be something glorious 。
【这句台词女武神这么用也可以,不过在大多数时候都用的更加正式 。一些古代北欧故事中,dauðastund 经常用于被敌人包围时或是垂死时展现荣耀迎接死亡的战吼中 。】
(dying while surrounded by your enemies)
【(另外女武神在北欧神话中负责带领死去的勇士前往英灵殿,不知是否可以译为 “英灵殿在召唤!”)】
Knights, Latin
Shoulder bash: Miserum! – "Pitiful!"
【肩撞攻击(男性):"Pitiful!" (弱者!)】
Te secabo! – "I'll cut you into pieces!"
【肩撞攻击(女性):"I'll cut you into pieces!" (我的剑锋将把你撕碎!)】
Nulla misericordia! – "No mercy!"
【(这句话不知出处,疑似男性威力反击): "No mercy!" (对你而言,仁慈无用!)】
Shield Stance: Te occidam! - "I'm going to kill you!"/ Te affligam! - "I'll crush you!"
【完全防御模式:"I'm going to kill you!"/ "I'll crush you!" (我会杀了你/我将击垮你)】
Stab: Peri! – "Die!"/"Perish!"
【深入凿击:"Die!"/"Perish!" (死吧!)】
Morituro! – "You're gonna die!"
【迅速还击:"You're gonna die!" (你会死在我手里)】
Top unblockable: Ad mortem, inimicus! – "To death, my enemy!"
【击晕上段重击时:"To death, my enemy!" (判处死刑!)】
Pull: No superstes! – "No survivors!"
【长臂抛掷:"No survivors!" (一个不留!/世人皆有罪!)】
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