乳头溢液都是乳腺癌吗( 二 )

对于与血清、血性和水样溢液即使无影像学异常,通常也需要行外科手术切除乳腺导管,终末导管切除不仅是诊断,也是治疗 。
[1]Gülay H, Bora S, Kìlì?turgay S, et al. Management of nipple discharge.[J]. Journal of the American College of Surgeons, 1994, 178(5):471.
[2]Richards T, Hunt A, Courtney S, et al. Nipple discharge: a sign of breast cancer?[J]. Annals of The Royal College of Surgeons of England, 2007, 89(2): 124-126.
[3]Lang JE, Kuerer HM. Breast ductal secretions: clinical features, potential uses, and possible applications. Cancer control 2007;14:350-9.
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