1、腰果洗净 。芹菜、辣椒、葱、切好 。
2、油热 , 放入腰果小火炸熟至两面微黄 。
3、放入辣椒 , 葱 , 煸香 。陆续放入芹菜 。放少量盐 , 翻炒均匀 , 芹菜熟了就可关火出锅 。
Step 1
Set aside cashews, wash celery, remove leaves and cut into diagonal slices with a diagonal knife
Step 2
Heat a wok, add olive oil and celery and stir until the color is uniform. Add salt and stir well
Step 3
Add the cashews and celery and stir-fry. Add a little boiling water and continue to stir-fry so that the flavour of the parsley blends with the cashews
Step 4
Out of the pot on the plate
Cooking techniques
【怎么炒腰果,英文版西芹炒腰果的做法?】Salt should be added when sauteing celery because charcoal roasted cashews have a salty taste. It must be boiling water, as cold water will lower the temperature of the pan and affect the taste of the dish.
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