档次英语怎么说 档次的英语怎么说

档次 英语 怎么说:档次,是指事或物好坏的等级、层次 。或表示按照一定标准分类排列的等级次序 。那你知道档次英语怎么说吗?下面佛山韦博小编告诉你档次英语怎么说,大家一起来看看吧!

档次英语怎么说 档次的英语怎么说

在这个国家,出色选手的水平降了一两个档次 。
In this country the good players are pulled down a notch or two
这家饭馆档次很低,大约有60个座位 。
It is a downmarket eating house, seating about 60.
他动辄便揶揄挖苦一番——这个人不上档次 。
He always throws out the tacky comment and the cheap shot. He has no class.
这是档次和消费比较经济的 。
This is the level of consumption and more economical.
其规模、位和档次堪称全国一流 。
Its scale and grade can be rated as the first-class in china.
改进方面:建立了公司内部网络,提高了管理档次 。
Five, improved aspects: the establishment of the company's internal network, improve the management level.
这算得上是今年杭州贵一个档次的圣诞大餐 。
This can be regarded as the most expensive Christmas dinner this year in Hangzhou.
在皮革工艺上提供了使用的方便,更能提高成品率的档次 。
Has provided use convenient in the leather craft, can enhance the rate of finished products the scale.
具有装饰艺术特色的精致雕塑,体现了广场和会所空间的品质感和档次感 。
The Art Deco-style delicate sculpture indicates the fine quality and valued sense of the plaza and the clubhouse space.
你可以根据当地的消费水平来定位你所要的产品档次 。
You can according to the local level of consumption to locate the products you want to grade.
这两种模式提供不同档次的及时性、可靠性和与传统传真装置的兼容性 。
These modes provide different levels of immediacy, reliability and compatibility with traditional fax devices.
这个夏末初秋,你可用它搭配连衣裙或牛仔裤,这下,你的品味风格又上了一个档次了 。
This summer and early fall, pair them with dresses and jeans to take your style up a notch.
以该机揉捻的大叶茶,质量等级和档次都有了较大的提高 。
The quality level and the grade of grandifoliate tea kneaded by the tea kneading machine are improved.
四是消费品档次升级换代 。
Fourth, consumer goods have been updated and upgraded.
为确保产品质量,提高产品档次 。
To ensure the quality of products, improve product quality.
小丑:我抢过哥谭的白马骑士,把他降低到我们的档次 。
The Joker: I took Gotham's white knight, and lowered him to our level.
不断吸取国外先进经验,将产品质量提高到了更高的档次 。
In order to enhance the scale of the produce quality, we are keeping absorbing the overseas advanced experience.
建筑装修具有一定档次和现代气息 。
The decoration of building shall be at a relatively high level and modern.
所以,这也许意味着你不会买到和寻求中完全一样的配置档次或选择套餐 。
So this might mean you won't get exactly the trim level or option package you're looking for.
即使要求很高的市场对不同种类的商品,也需要有各种档次的货色和价格 。
Even highly demanding markets require a wide range of quality and price levels for any group of products.
