档次英语怎么说 档次的英语怎么说( 二 )

产品优势:技术含量高,起点高,水平档次高 。
Product Advantage: High technical content, high beginning and high level.
公司为您提供灵活多样的销售合作方式和各种不同档次的礼品 。
Company to offer you a variety of flexible marketing methods and different grades of the gift.
首先要了解客户目前所经营产品的品质、档次和需求量,再提供一个合理的价格 。
Must first understand the clients current operational product quality, grade and demand, then a reasonable price.
外形精致美观,提高了产品的档次 。
The utility model has refined and beautiful shape, which improves the product quality.
许多制造商已经提升了产品的包装档次为了传递高质量的形象 。
Many manufacturers have upgraded the packaging of their products in order to convey higher-quality images.
我们的信用经过沟通,我们可以让你满意,价格与品质是同等档次 。
U.S.credit through communication, we can let you satisfied with the price and quality are the same grade.
产品档次提升和生产率提高抵消了单位劳动成本的上涨 。
Product upgrades and productivity gains have countered the rise in the unit labour cost.
自成立以来,不断在质量上及产品技术上提高档次 。
Since establishing, are improving the grade on quality and on products technology constantly.
即使是杰拉德,他现在的效力、能力和价值也和几年前不在一个档次 。
Even the Gerrard of today spits on his previous form in terms of potency, ability and value.
选用该系统可大大提高产品竞争力,使管理水平上档次,给您的企业创造更高的效益 。
【档次英语怎么说 档次的英语怎么说】 This system can greatly contribute to firms progress in products competition, management level and operation profitability.
