长度英语怎么说 长度,英语( 二 )

The metre is a unit of length.
What is the length of the track?
链分子的长度与动力学链长成正比 。
The length of the chain molecule is proportional to the kinetic chain length.
走廊的长度等于房子上层的长度 。
A hall ran the length of the upper floor of the house.
结果是 , 长度和索引相匹配 , 接受了无效输入 。
The result is that the length and index match, and you have accepted invalid input.
在本例中 , 长度和索引值都为0 , 所以它们是匹配的 。
In this case, both the length and index values are zero, so they match.
他量了房间的长度 。
He measured the length of the room.
