
高三暑假生活的英语作文应该怎么写?英语作文是英语考试最常见的一种题目类型 , 英语作文要求阅读、写作比较高 , 也是考生最容易失分的题型 。 下面小编给大家带来高三暑假生活英语作文 , 欢迎大家阅读 。
Rich and colorful summer vacation, life is getting closer and closer to us, how can have a fulfilling and meaningful holiday? Let me tell you about my ideal summer vacation life!!!!
Gorky once said: "books are the ladder of human progress", reading, not only enrich the knowledge, but also makes people understand the life philosophy. Yes, the book has good, evil, ugly, beautiful, there are many wonderful stories. I am a "bookworm", little of course not long holiday book this friend! I'm ready to go to xinhua bookstore reading, daily campus story, the world of the, Confucian classics, fairy tale story, detective stories... I like all. Ha ha, summer vacation can bundle of pleasure. I read the "scream", was read "Kong Yi several". Although had read this article, under the "scream" atmosphere created by the pathetic and ridiculous Kong Yi few seemed to added a lot of sad color again. Read again the jiashuyuan package ma small jump, humor humor and wit only laughing so hard that your tummy hurts. The book is really a spiritual sustenance!
Voltaire said: "life is movement". Long summer vacation, in order to get my body are sexy, must do more exercise. My favorite sport comes in to play table tennis, I can't miss this good opportunity, ready to go to the gym in the summer vacation "killed" on time, and the real "table tennis" training, learning how to play table tennis, to bring to them, and find their own shortcomings, study hard, strive for table tennis technology has a qualitative leap. I looked at the little yellow ball jumping up and down, although sweating like a pig, but the emergence of say a joy in heart.
The holiday at home, on the Internet is little not. This the "net insect" of course I want to have the addiction. Open the "net" go abroad to study network composition, composition, pack a bag of pleasure, and then to the BBS infuse water, have a post, understand the understanding of novel and interesting. Play tired, close your eyes and listen to a melodious music, let the mind rest for a while, cadence of music, feel the whole people immersed in music, is really a pleasure! Since yue: at any time to hear music, excel living immortal. Clicked on "baidu", hot news immediately appear in the eyes, hey, it's so much! The whole country, big and small things immediately show, it is endless! The Internet has a lot of encyclopedic knowledge, I am in the ocean of knowledge, sucking knowledge of nutrition, adding some extracurricular knowledge. Is: rich Internet, holiday good partners.
My ideal life in the summer, may not be one of the most abundant, but is the most suitable for me, I believe that I will have a best, the most meaningful holiday.
丰富多彩的暑假生活 , 离我们越来越近了 , 怎样才能过一个充实、有意义的假期吗?我来给你说说我理想中的暑假生活吧!
高尔基曾经说过:“书是人类进步的阶梯” , 读书 , 不仅丰富了知识 , 而且使人明白人生哲理 。 是啊 , 书中有善、恶、丑、美 , 有许许多多的精彩故事 。 我是一条“书虫” , 漫长的假期当然少不了书这个朋友拉!我准备每天去新华书店看书 , 校园故事、举世名着、儒家经典、童话故事、侦探故事……我都喜欢 。 哈哈 , 暑假里可以大包眼福了 。 我读名着《呐喊》 , 正读到《孔乙几》 。 虽然先前读过此文 , 但在《呐喊》所营造的气氛下 , 那个可悲又可笑的孔乙几仿佛又增添了许多凄惨的色彩 。 又读了《淘气包马小跳》 , 幽默风趣只笑到肚子疼 。 书真是精神食粮啊!
伏尔泰说过:“生命在于运动” 。 漫长的暑假中 , 为了让我的身体倍儿棒 , 一定要多做一些运动 。 我最喜欢的一项运动莫过打乒乓球了 , 我可不能错过这么好的机会 , 准备暑假里去体育馆“杀”上一回 , 和真正的“乒乓球高手”过招 , 向他们学习学习打乒乓球的要领 , 并找出自己的不足之处 , 努力学习 , 争取让乒乓球技术有质的飞跃 。 我看着小黄球上下跳跃 , 虽然汗流浃背 , 但心里涌现说不出的喜悦 。
