葡萄用英文怎么读复数怎么读 葡萄用英文怎么读

1. wait v.等候;等待
I’m sorry to keep you waiting. 抱歉,让你久等了 。
wait for 等候
Who are you waiting for ? 你在等谁呢?
wait for sb. to do sth 等某人做某事
2. wake v. 醒,醒来,唤醒或弄醒某人
What time do you usually wake ( up ) in the morning ?
Try not to wake the baby (up) ? 别把孩子吵醒了 。
3. walk v./n. 走;行走;散步;步行距离
I walk to school. = I go to school on foot. 我步行到学校去 。
It is a long walk to the town. 到城里要走很长的路程 。
Let's go for a short walk. 咱们去散散步吧!
a 20-minute walk from here 从这里走20分钟的路程
4. wall n.墙壁;围墙
We have painted all the walls white.我们把所有的墙壁都漆成了白色 。
There was a wall around the park. 公园四周有围墙 。
5. want v.(常与to连用)想,想要,需要
Did You Want to Tell Me something? 你想告诉我什么吗?
They want good jobs. 她们想要好的工作 。
The house wants painting. 房子需要油漆了 。
6. war n. 战争;冲突
They are at war with the country . 他们与那个国家在交战 。
World War II = the Second World War 第二次世界大战
7. warm adj.温暖的;暖和的;热烈的;亲切的
It is getting warmer day by day. 天气一天比一天暖和起来了 。
We received a warm welcome. 我们受到热烈的欢迎 。
warm-hearted 热心的
warmly adv. 温暖地;热烈地
8. warn v. 警告;提醒
He warned me not to go there. = He warned me against going there. 他警告我不要去那里 。
I warned him that it was dangerous. 我警告他那是危险的 。
9. wash v.洗;洗涤
10. waste v.浪费;挥霍 n. 浪费;滥用;废料;废物
Hurry up, we are wasting time. 快点吧,我们别再浪费时间了 。
It’s a waste of time doing that. 做那事是浪费时间 。
11. watch v.注视;观看 n.手表
watch a game 观看一场比赛
watch out 戒备,提醒,小心
I watched him come/coming out of the bank. 我看着他从银行出来了/正从银行出来 。
on watch 值班
12. water n. 水 v. 浇水
by water 乘船;由水路
water the flower 浇花
13. watermelon n. 西瓜
a slice of watermelon 一块西瓜
14. way n. 道;路;手段;方法;方式
This way, please. 请这边走 。
Do it (in) this way. 照这样做 。
There are many ways to do (of doing) it. 做这件事有许多方法 。
all the way 一路上
He ran all the way to school. 他一路跑到学校 。
by the way 顺便提起
in a way 从某个角度
in the (one’s) way 防碍
on the (one’s) way 在途中
the way to 去……的路
15. we pron. 我们;咱们
16. weak adj. 弱的
be weak in 在某方面有欠缺
in a weak voice 用虚弱的声音
17. wealth n.财富
a man of great wealth 大富翁
wealthy adj. 富有的
18. wear (wore, worn) v.穿戴;蓄留
I always wear brown shoes. 我总是穿棕色的鞋 。
He wears a beard. 他留胡子 。
wear out adj. 穿坏;精疲力竭
He has worn out his shoes. 他的鞋穿坏了 。
He is worn out. 他精疲力竭 。
19. weather n.天气;气象
What’s the weather like today? 今天天气怎么样?
weather forecast 天气预报
20. Wednesday n.星期三
21. week n. 星期;周
this week 本星期
weekday n.工作日
What did you do on weekdays ? 你工作日做什么?
weekend n.周末
22. weigh v. 称……重量;测出重量
He weighed himself on the scale. 他在磅秤上量体重 。
How much do you weigh ? 你体重多少?
