rather(would would)

这三个词用法困扰了不少英语学习者 。“should”用来提供建议,比如“Thatshirtlooksgreatonyou.Ithinkyoushouldbuyit 。” 。“would

rather(would would)

这三个词用法困扰了不少英语学习者 。
“should”用来提供建议,比如“That shirt looks great on you. I think you should buy it 。” 。
“would”则是用来描述不可能或者虚拟的事情,比如“I would love to go to Italy, but I don't have enough money 。”,这句话就是在说一件不可能发生的事 。而“would”也可以表示委婉语气,就像这句“Would you like some tea?”
【rather(would would)】“could”有三种用法:
①描述过去的能力,例:“When I was younger, I could run twice as fast 。”
②描述将来可能发生的事,例:“If we work really hard, I think we could save up enough money for a vacation this year 。”
③用于礼貌请求,例:“Could I have a cup of tea?”
rather(would would)
